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Literature and Projects in classrooms



Often wonder why do I specifically celebrate birthdays of Literature profiles? The reason is Projects in classrooms. Once we had a random session of knowing Authors and Poets. In came the idea to go for Literature Projects. Children have an option to select one Literature profile they like best and jot down their bio, pieces and pictures. They even ended up making collage work with their best language phrases and poetic rhymes. Five in a group, their project turned to be quite unique with a sharing and reading each other’s work.

The best or you can call it, the worst part was that I decided to give an Achievement prize for presenting the best project. The idea behind was to encourage them to make a nice presentation, neat handwritten stuff and best information they can extract from Swagat Library. However, it was quite difficult to give a prize coz each one had the best to present. And, finally, when one was chosen, there was an explanation to give why her project was best which in turn, became a lesson in progress for all on how to improve and make a nice presentation.

This reminds me, one of the students wanted to make a project on my profile – as an author! She quipped, “Aunty, you are an Author and why can’t we have your profile.” Ugh, the thought never occurred to me to make my own profile but maybe, Kidsfreesouls is one big profile and a project too.

Well, World Book Day and Copyright Day 23rd April and this reminds of sharing News, Shakespeare profile and Literature Project Tips for Summer time to enjoy in cool comfort at home.

I have a couple of Shakespeare books but the most easier for children and a must in Library shelf are Cherrytree books “Shakespeare for Everyone” by Jennifer Mulherin and Illustrations by George Thompson (As You Like It (Shakespeare for Everyone Series)). If Shakespeare plays are performed in the classroom, children understand the story and its character. These books describe the play’s characters, story along with illustrated pictures and supportive maps and explanations.

To mark the World Book and Copyright Day celebrations, every year, we have ‘Archies Day’ and Reading session – open for all children at Swagat to promote Reading activities and enhance literacy skills.

This year, Poem in your Pocket day session is conducted at Swagat Children Library. Kids have written and recited poems of their choice, learnt poetry of William Wordsworth ‘Daffodils’ and ‘She dwelt among untrodden ways’.

Next will be the Literature Project and Stories with Grammar and Grammar songs Workshop to be held from 10th May to 2nd June.

Books are indeed, window into our souls and books are also the doorway to mutual respect and understanding between people, across all boundaries and differences.

-Ilaxi Patel
Editor, Kidsfreesouls.com
Author of Guardian of Angels


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