The word Yoga itself means to join, unite or merge. Derived from the sanskrit root yuj, Yoga is a science and an art. Practiced by thousands of people round the world, it integrates the body with the mind and the mind with the soul, thereby helping us to understand or own natures and to live harmoniously with people around us. Some people are aware of Yoga as the Asanas and meditation. In fact, I think it’s an eight fold path called Ashtanga Yoga (eight limbs)
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The commandments are:
Ahimsa : Non violence
Satya : Truth & Honesty
Brahmacharya : Continence & self control
Aparigraha : Non accumulation of needless wealth
2. Niyama:- Personal disciplines
Saucha: Cleanliness & Purity
Santosha: Satisfaction & contentment
Tapas : Austerity, ability to bear hardship
Svadhyaya : Introspection
Ishvara : faith in god
3. Asana: Postures
4. Pranayama : Control of breadth and bio energy
5. Pratyahara: Withdrawal of the sense organs from the objects of sense
6. Dharana : Intense concentration for developing inner vision
7. Dhyana : Meditation, uninterrupted and deep concentration for a prolonged period.
8. Samadhi : The goal of Yoga, attained after the dhyana.
It is said, as a river merges into the ocean and becomes one with it, so also the individual self merges into the Universal spirit and becomes one. Peace and happiness are a way to experience as all polarities such as pain and pleasure, good and bad vanish.
When we often talk of Health & fitness, we tend to miss out on the right way of living and this comes with an attitude – Yoga is all about Attitudes and even we focus on one of the commandments, we could bring about a lot of difference!
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(All Posts by ilaxi patel: This Health & Fitness Blog is based on personal thoughts and research work. Readers may please Consult your Doctor for your Health Problems)