Home Culture & Festivals World Computer Literacy Day

World Computer Literacy Day




There are a lot of fun and educational things for children to do on the Internet. There are also a lot of people and web sites, so you need to be careful about where you do your surfing. Here are some rules to remember whenever you are online.

There are a lot of fun and educational things for children to do on the Internet. There are also a lot of people and web sites, so you need to be careful about where you do your surfing. Here are some rules to remember whenever you are online.

Do not give out any personal information such as address, telephone number, the name and location of your school, or the work address / telephone number of your parents, without permission from your parents

Do not respond in any way to messages that are mean or that make you feel uncomfortable. Ignore the sender and end all communication. It is not your fault if you get a message like that and if you do, tell your parents right away so that they can contact the service provider.

Do not to click on any links that are contained in e-mail from anyone you don’t know. Such links could lead to inappropriate web sites

Tell your parents immediately if you come across any information that makes you feel uncomfortable

Do not enter contests without asking your parents first

Always check with your parents before downloading any programs to your computer

Never send a person your picture or anything else without first checking with your parents that this is all right

Never agree to meet with someone you have “met” online without permission from your parents

Do not give out your Internet passwords to anyone (even best friends), other than your parents

Talk with your parents so that you can set up rules for going online. Decide with your parents when you can be online, the length of time you can be online, and appropriate areas for you to visit. Do not access other areas or break these rules without their permission. If you agree to these ground rules with your parents, there is no reason for you to get into trouble. You may also get ‘Blocked sites’ features like Krowser to make you surf through inspected sites.

Follow these rules, they are not there to stop you having fun, they are there to make sure you are safe online. Be a good online citizen and do not do anything that hurts other people or is against the law. Always treat others on the Internet the way you want to be treated. Have fun!

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May God rest his soul in peace
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