Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers When Daddy was a little boy by Alexander Raskin (Translated from Russian...

When Daddy was a little boy by Alexander Raskin (Translated from Russian by Fainna Glagoleva


William Shakespeare said, “It is a wise father that knows his own child.” Perfectly fitted quote for this Book ‘When Daddy was a little boy.’

When Daddy was a Little Boy by Alexander Raskin is a wonderful Book – A Russian Book translation for every child and Dad. Published by Ponytale Books, the translated version is by Fainna Glagoleva with creative drawings by Lev Tokmakov.

The Book takes you down memory lane of how-what-when-where-whom incidents happened and all wise wisdom shared to a young daughter by the Author. The Book itself is a nice collection of memoirs of a man from the days when he was a kid and its something that relates to all Dads when they were little boys. The Author narrates his roller coaster rides – a journey from a kid to being a Dad and narrates the incidents to his daughter. When Sasha was ill, these stories made her feel soothing and took her to a comfort zone. Her mind was filled with curiousity and joy and she learnt important lessons in life through these lovely tales. In this Book, her Dad talked of simple but real life happennings and how he managed to face situations.

Covered in Three Chapters, there are numerous incidents narrated by the Author that focus on moral values, feelings, learning, making mistakes, being naughty, learning etiquettes, adventures and a lot more stories that actually happened in real life.

The Three chapters are:
When Daddy was a Little Boy
When Daddy was in School
More Stories

What I felt after reading :

  • Impacts tiny minds. They tend to know their Dads as a “hero” and recognize his strenghs, ability, wits, weaker points.
  • Positive/Negative effects and learning from these stories to be better humans
  • Kids don’t love to be Told, scolded, scoffed, bullied – And, these stories simply teach them lessons to learn. Afterall, Dads and adults too, make mistakes.
  • Feelings and emotions are natural. When you fall sick, you’re hurt, when you make a mistake, when you’re teased or even played pranks, just to be caught. And Sasha’s Dad had a point somewhere to be noted.
  • Some things required courage – especially when you’ve told a lie and get the inner conscious bite; when you’re not the best pupil in the class and been nagged; when you’ve done an act of courage like Sasha’s Dad talked of killing a snake, climbing a wall, jumped off the balcony and more stories.
  • An Adventurous mindset – going places – eg. go for tiger hunting and realize never to hurt animals after hurting the little striped kitten. Also writing compositions on own and understanding the fact that you will never learn if you don’t do your work yourself.
  • Lessons to learn to not be Greedy, boastful or stuck up anytime.

You will be fascinated with the discovery of these real stories. And, one story that my Grandson Hridaan and I loved to read was ‘How Daddy decided what he wanted to be’ – I loved to read many other stories but particularly to mention this is because it tells of a small boy’s dreams and aspirations, the changing wish ‘To be’ and finally in the end, learning to be a Good Person. That’s what really counts. And, it’s so very true.

For a quick mention, here’s some quick titles for quick reads from this Book:

How Daddy’s feelings were hurt
How Daddy studied Music
How Daddy made a Mistake
How Daddy was always late
How Daddy learned to write
How Daddy was Teased
How Daddy failes to learn German
How Daddy had scarlet fever

And, the list go on – many Stories that actually happens to Dads when they’re small and experience life.

A Must Read, Must to be Gifted to Parents and Kids – a Chapter Read – a Story a Day will chase blues away. All 5 Stars ***** and Thank You Ponytale Books for this wonderful Translated version.




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