Home Technology Video Content to Rule Internet

Video Content to Rule Internet


Social Media Trends are fast changing and shaping up for the next Generation Internet. Yes, the Video Content will be ruling the web !

According to a report by Cisco, by 2019:

Video will account for 80 percent of global internet traffic
Nearly a million minutes of video will be shared every second
It would take an individual 5 million years to watch the all the video that will be shared each month

The below infographic from Hootsuite highlights five key social media trends that will impact your business in 2016.

It is interesting to note that According to data from Facebook:

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced at the company’s third-quarter earnings call that Facebook is generating 8 billion video views per day.

The number of video posts per person has increased 75 percent globally and 94 percent in the U.S.

The amount of video from people and brands in News Feed has increased 3.6 times over last many years.

More than 50 percent of people who visit Facebook in the U.S. every day watch at least one video.

And, not to forget Snapchat and Pinterest. According to the Financial Times, the Snap Chat messaging platform says they’re receiving 6 billion daily video views—that’s three times what the figure was in May, a mere six months ago.  Pinterest on mobile devices have increased 140 percent in the last two years.

And let’s not forget the platform that started the social video craze: YouTube. While it’s no longer the undisputed leader, the video-focused site is still pulling in strong numbers.

According to statistics from YouTube:

YouTube has over a billion users—almost one-third of all people on the internet—and every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views
The number of hours that people spend watching videos on YouTube is increasing 60 percent year-over-year

The number of people watching YouTube has increased 40 percent year-over-year since March 2014.

It is predicted that in 2016 the battle between video superpowers Facebook and YouTube will heat up. Meanwhile, we’ll see how newcomers like Snapchat will contribute to the overall growth of social video as a medium.

Sources News | Infographics 

Social media – video rule


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