Home Kids Books and reviews The Cutes – Festival Fun by Vincent Noot and Celestial Noot

The Cutes – Festival Fun by Vincent Noot and Celestial Noot

cutes reviews

 cutes reviews

Find the Cutes – Festival Fun is all Vibrant, intricate, beautifully illustrated and captivating fun filled activities.

The narration is simply superb flow of language that involves the Cute Family and going places with Festivals. Hard cover bound 36 pages or even available with the Kindle Edition, the imaginary journey is fun filled and exciting packed with adventure of the Cutes Family and kids. Visual, entertaining and filled with information on Festivals, make the Festival Fun too intriguing. It’s including introduction pages, 12 double pages of fun searching for the Cute kids and their lost objects among 12 festivals across the world, and 4 answer pages. The Illustrator Vincent Noot seems to have spelt charm to the right characters and objects on every page. Added with brainstorming on creative, funny things that made up a lasting imprint on minds of young kids as well as their guardians to go through the Festivals and enjoy them as if in real. I was spell bound to the cultural information and the visual perspective of educating on Festivals. Some of the Festivals I didn’t know were too informative – sweet and short which at a glance gave in-depth awareness highlighting the Festival treat. The fun search pages about Christmas, Easter, and Halloween, but also about the Tomato Festival in Spain, Songkran in Thailand, and Sinterklaas in the Netherlands are unique and informative. The hidden characters and things are fun to trace. My classroom children who learnt the ebook reading session simply loved the kindle edition and had fun observing deeply the illustrations, reading the narration and joining the cutes kids to find the hidden things.

This is a gem collection in my Library and I recommend this ‘The Cutes – Festivals’ – Vincent Noot and Celestial has proved par excellence – a pair together to create such a wonderful book. 

I received a free copy of the aforementioned book in exchange for a candid review, having long experience with children’s books, Kidsfreesouls and running Swagat Children Library. I give all five ***** stars to my most favorite books and this book is a gem collection as a Kindle Book in my Library. 

Swagat : https://www.kidsfreesouls.com/index.php/Swagat-Children-Library/swagat.html 

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