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Teachers’ Contribution


Adams said ” The teacher affects eternity. One can never tell where his or influence stops” Shower of Roses to all Teachers…May the Roses never fade so that the sweet fragrance fills your heart with pleasure and appreciation that you bloom like a flower throughout the year and spread sunshine into the lives of children. Dr. Radhakrishnan said once “A good teacher must know how to arouse the interest of the pupil in the field of study for which he is responsible. He must himself be a master in the field of study and be in touch with the latest developments in the subject, he must himself be a fellow traveler in the exciting pursuit of knowledge.

As put in the words of Sri Aurobindo ” The aim of education is to help the child to develop his intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, moral and spiritual being.” Childhood years are vital to our total existence. Overloading the child with too much memory oriented learning and formal writing can cripple a child’s sense of wonder. There should be creativity, a ‘Free Progress’ – each child developing and flowering in an absolutely spontaneous, inwardly centered and self directed process. A school makes a break through if it creates a learning environment but it is a parent to make an active choice for kids and to nurture their talents. It is in their hands to recognize their potentialities and offer them an Alternative Education, a commitment, hard work, responsibility, learning the basic skills of reading and writing at own pace with creativity and open minds in open surroundings in tune to environment, blooming naturally!

So, be a helper, be a guide, instill faith, motivate, inspire and encourage!

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– ilaxi patel
Editor Online, kidsfreesouls.com
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(As appeared in ‘Freesouls’ – the Kidsfreesouls Print supplement earlier in Sambhaav Newspapers)

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Mrs. Ansuyaben Jhaveri – Kidsfreesouls (ilaxi’s)
Friend & God Mother 
Principal, C.U.Shah Prep. School (Jr. & Sr. Kg, GLS)


As Kids Free souls passes through a phase of ‘Experiences’,Exploring Life,  it dives into the memory lane of past years. Ms. Ansuyaben Jhaveri, a name that I take pride to introduce her as a Free soul Godmother – a Guide, philosopher and a Friend. An Educationist who stands most eligible Educator to be conferred a Life Time Achievement Award for her life time contribution in shaping the future of the younger generation.

Eighteen years ago I met Ms. Jhaveri, a determined, dedicated, kind, compassionate, warm and a loving woman, highly experienced and devoted to her profession. She inspired and encouraged me to enter into the field of Education and expose my Carmelite talents to nurture my interest to help the kids to cope up with the educational flaws. Today, we find the same Ms.Jhaveri handling the affairs of the Kindergarten, the most important branch of a much bigger Institute – GLS which has scaled to newer heights. She is still the same enthusiastic woman, kind, caring, cooperative and always on her toes, ready to help others. She manages the school affairs with much ease inspiring and encouraging the teachers and guiding the parents with her kind support and tactful understanding. She builds an environment for the kids with modified activities to encourage, build confidence and influence the kids right from the early age. Ms. Jhaveri is exactly aware of the intellectual growth of the kids and follows a pattern understood by the kids. She never has any expectations all the years but only given her moral and intellectual support with her physical presence found all round the year. Ms. Jhaveri possess a tremendous will power at this age which keeps her going and heavens bless her, she is an angel in disguise who can be a true friend, who stands beside you in your happy or hazy days, ups and down or just thick or thin times.

Ms. Jhaveri, a symbol of  ‘Peace and Humanity’ is a Kids Free soul mentor who heads our mission to spread the message of love, faith, peace and unity among kids. KidsFreesouls wishes all the Best to Ms. Ansuyaben Jhaveri, an angel God Mother  who has sacrificed her life in devotion to GLS and the younger generation shaping their future.

Guardian of Angels: A Practical Guide to Joyful Parenting
(Read Excerpts, Reviews on Kidsfreesouls)

I am happy that a business person turns a Parenting Author. The book contents are fine pieces of advice on Parenting. I recommend my teachers and parents to read the book. – Ms. Ansuya Jhaver, Principal, GLS Kindergarten School


Giving Away Medals & Certificates to children at Annual Day Prize Distribution, N.R. Primary School.(GLS)
Principal Ms. Rita Baker standing beside.

Ms. Rita Baker has ever been my Friend more! 
She’s supported Swagat in its Mission and encouraged kids as well as Teachers to participate in various Competitions at Swagat & Freesouls supplements. N.R. School Teachers have written and submitted their Articles (Given Below) for Print media too. We’ve taken Competitions like Swagat-Rasna Environment theme coloring Competition in School, Handwriting,Quotation writing competitions, etc. Also been as Judge various times for Poetry, story telling, etc. competitions.

Rita Baker was appointed as the Principal of NR. Primary School in 1994. She said in an Interview, “Right from the first hour of the first day, I got full co-operation from the Management who never interfered and allowed me to run the school as I desired. At the same time deep in my heart I felt secure that the guidance of my management would always be there.” The stand of N.R. School believes that a creative person is one who creates out a vast wealth of knowledge, conceptual as well as perceptual. The sensory experiences that the students get from the school develop their perceptual knowledge. And the creative students have some attributes, abilities and skills that they use during the process of creativity. Our nation can prosper and progess in real sense only when the educational institutions, right from Kindergarten to University, develop an atmosphere of truth, love and reverence which are essential pre-requisites to a disciplined individual. She further said, “At present what disturbs me most is the fact that discipline has almost disappeared from the educational field. Doing one thing and professing another has become a way of life. The parents also have a tremendous responsibility in imparting the education to their wards. It is heartening to see that some parents are concerned about the kind of education that is given. Mere academic knowledge alone is of no value. Simply competing for a better percentage yields no good results. True education should prepare one for the challenges of life morally and spiritually which is to go beyond the preparation for earning a living. In a nutshell, I can say, I’m thankful to the Almighty for giving me an opportunity to serve this institution which believes in cultivation of human virtues by each person. 


Lifetime Achievement Award to Perin Lalkaka, (Principal, Thumbelina Kindergarten School) by Eklavya Education Foundation at AMA on 5th September, 2009. Congratulations to Perin Aunty – Many of theSwagat Students had their wonderful kindergarten years at Thumbelina School.

Perin Lalkaka was inspired to take the Educational Training course while she first heard a lecture at St. Xavier’s Loyala when she was teaching as adjustable teacher. She also took private tutions. Later, she ventured into a Kindergarten school with just 2 classes and by 1984, Thumbelina had 15 rooms with full fledged Kindergarten school with Nursery and KG children. She committed herself to full time education and almost gave 50 years of her life devoted to children. She is a successful Founder-Principal of Thumbelina School working with untiring passion even today at this age of 79 and when I met her yesterday, we shared her journey of education all through the years and together, shared experiences of educating children. We talked of parental roles and education institutes to more further, on teaching skills. She focused on ‘Language skills’ and especially on pronunciations. She insisted on enrolling kids at the age of two and a half years age and would not like to overburden children at a tender age with learning too many things at a time. She voiced her opinion to raise the age level of admission to class I as six years. She believed that every child should be well mannered and taught moral science right from the beginning of their schooling. “Girls need to behave like young ladies and whatever clothes they wear, should not act like tomboys,” Perin Aunty said. Here’s Perin Aunty’s pic with her Award. As I shared her success, I gazed at her picture with Mr. Lalkaka (he’s no more) and sure missed talking to Mr. Lalkaka like I always did and am concerned, she must have missed sharing her achievement with him as well!

Mrs. Perin Lalkaka with her Award

Founder-Principal, Thumbelina School

Perin Aunty has ever been a very close friend to me and we talk for hours together. Our talks mostly relate to tiny tots and their behavior patterns, eating habits, parental influence and so on! I’ve performed Music Show of Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs at her Nursery School and entertained the kids. Perin Aunty is always open hearted, caring, frank and honest (of coz strict…hmmm…the 2 year old kid knows ‘Perin Aunty’ gives sweets and when they’re naughty, she’s got a ‘stare’ that triggers like a bullet:-)

Guardian of Angels: A Practical Guide to Joyful Parenting

A very insightful read. I recommend every parent of my school to read this book and use it practically. Though I find the language on a higher level, I feel the contents are easy to read as the matter is well placed and topics are well selected. 
– Ms. Perin Lalkaka, Principal, 
Thumbelina Kindergarten School for children

MR. RAJA PATHAK, Director of Sattva Vikas School, Udgam School & Swastik School

One Man Makes the Difference…..THE LEADER! Mr. Raja Pathak, a name which is on the lips of many parents, teachers, children. Even the Educationists, Press & Government officials! Opinions in contrast with an impact, a very Bold, Determined, Enthusiastic, Powerful Personality! A man, who not only encourages, inspires others and kindles ray of hope to change the Education system leading towards better understanding, clear and in tune with the times heading towards the 21st Century to make the vision dream come true!

Mr. Raja Pathak has the ability of thinking deeply, ability of effective communication, ability of foreseeing the future of the kids and thereby, taking necessary corrective action from time to time. He has changed the ways of education in his way, prepares and trains his children in a manner that gives absolute results. His share for the Gujarati medium is two folds as he is revolutionary towards bringing change in their roots of learning. Mr. Raja Pathak makes himself well informed and aware of the latest developments in technology, educational field and also I have heard, knocks the doors of the Educational Department. His reputation gives a picture of a Man who is kind, caring, truthful and honest. He possess the four D’s – Dedication, devotion, determination and discipline. He has deeply involved his life also his whole family has contributed in education field. His father Mr. Chandraprasad Pathak’s influence on him, made Raja Pathak an Ideal Educationist devoted to his field of Teaching. His father, a true Educationist won the ‘National Award for ‘Best Teacher’ in the year 1989-90 and imparted education in a fun, interesting and demonstrative way. He taught students in Khadia in a young age of 13, then began career in 1956 at the V.S. Tutorial and then always progressed further, encouraging Mr. Raja Pathak who has sweeped changes in education. Mr. Pathak guides and inspires not only students but also parents and people who sort for his advice and guidance. Mr. Raja Pathak has a record students who stand ‘Toppers’ in Board results.

I conclude “Attitude determines Altitude’ and so Rajabhai as referred by Kidsfreesouls is a King (Raja) with a golden heart. I respect Rajabhai and whenever I meet him, he has always been a source of Inspiration and guided me in right direction. Kidsfreesouls wishes Rajabhai ‘All Success’ for his new venture ‘Sattva vikas School’ – A school with a Difference!

MR. RAJA PATHAK is the Director of  Sattva Vikas School, Udgam School & Swastik School. He is also an Advisor to the NCERT for Computer Education in Schools

Guardian of Angels: A Practical Guide to Joyful Parenting

Congratulations for such a wonderful book. We all are happy and proud of you! Your efforts and hard work with child mentoring brings hope for many parents. All the best wishes.

Schools Gaining PCs but Losing Playgrounds 
– By Raja Pathak
(As appeared in Times of India, Dec 2, 2007)

The education scenario is absolutely transformed from the days when we were studying. Being in the field one sees that the transformation has become constant phenomenon. We are racing against time to be at par with the level of education in other states.

Technology, which has become such an indispensable part of education, has proved quite a leveller. It has brought extreme uniformity in education. With computers and technology one can have the same resources in a school based in a village, a metro or a mega city. What needs to be explained is how one uses this very technology in a different and newer manner.

With the introduction of teaching, the administrative work of schools has reduced to a great extent. There alre also so many options available in audio and visual competent with cheap options readily available.

If we think of Ahmedabad as a mega city, what we lack is schools with good resources, considering the number of people migrating to the city. What is commendable in the last few years is the increased number of English medium schools in the city.

The importance of education in English has become the top priority for most parents in all sections of society because of the awareness and consciousness of the parents.

Obviously, the lack of knowledge of spoken English has proved to be a handicap for Gujarat but we are trying hard to remove that tag. The interest to learn computers and the bombarding of the problem by the media has changed the atmosphere in the typical Gujarati homes. They are now more open to English and look up to it, making it indispensable for the parents as well as children to learn it.

Besides all the issues that the education in schools face, two major problems are the lack of play grounds and secondly the deteriorating reading habits of the children. Both these observations have a deeper and lasting impact on the generation that is in school today. The students have become extremely impatient and get distracted very fast. Their energies do not get a constructive vent and thus the problems like short temper, aggression and misbehavior have become common.

The Government needs to intervene immediately and make play grounds mandatory for any new school. One could also initiate co-operative play grounds or community stadiums to promote sports amongst the children.

Principal – N. R High School

She’s ever been Supportive and a great source of Inspiration. 
I’ve been as a Guest when she Organized a Teacher’s Day in 1998. Here’s her Writing below:

Principal, N.R. High School, Ahmedabad

There are three kinds of actions – Action with thought, Action with speech and Action with Body. Action with Body is less harmful. For example, when irritation forces your action to raise your hand to slap a person, it is an instinct and you soon tend to forgive and forget. Your next reaction towards the same person may be a kind gesture or loving feelings which is a mild form of action. Sometimes, your speech is harsh for any disappointing and irritating action by someone. This will hurt and give malign feelings to him disturbing his surrounding environment too as it plays on his mind. This is the reaction of Speech. But the very important is the Action with Thought which is powerful. Thoughts linger on the mind and creates an impression which influence the whole world around you. Sometimes you have a strong desire to harm someone but your action restraints you as the thoughts accumulate, resulting into mental torture to your own self as well as harnessing the peace of the other. When you throw a stone in the pond, it creates ripples in the pond which reaches the border and from there, returns back from where it started. Similarly, our good or bad thoughts influence the world around us in more or less quantity. 

It is such a powerful media of action that a person who is locked in the prison can continue influencing people with his power of thought. Hence, humans can do positive work for the world with their concerned Action. One need not have the riches nor power. Neither it is required to meet people or move in society. One can sit erect, be positive, think positive and influence people around with good Thoughts and good deeds. By this way, one can change the world and enemies can turn to be friends. To sum up, “Thought is a slow process but effective” as said in the words of Madame H.P. Blavatsky from the teachings of Theosophy.

MS. VANDANA MEHTA, Educationist
N.R. Primary School, Ahmedabad


It is said “A great teacher is not simply one who imparts knowledge to his students but one who awakens their interest in it and makes them eager to pursue it.” In modern era, teaching is not a mechanical process. It has become an art. Teaching is no longer simply giving lectures in the class or to make the students learn or write but overall Teaching means, making subjects interesting, easy to learn and understand. A teacher is a spark plug not a fuel pipe and so, applying various teaching techniques in the classroom makes a big difference for the development of the child. 

Story telling is the most effective method to attract a child’s attention. They grasp the concepts of teaching very effectively through story telling. They can be inspired, encouraged and motivated through this indirect way of communication. They can form good habits, instil faith, have courage, learn moral values and also learn simple mathematic calculations and word play. Children learn by way of Charts and simple Projects which makes learning more interesting. Poems can be taught with action and with aid of audio cassettes. Debates has prooved to be a better communication system encouraging the children to voice their views and pick up the language to speak flawlessly. Another way is the group activities encouraging the kids to answer a set of Questionnaire in a quiz form. 

To sum up, Teaching in Classroom demands specific talents to tackle with the behaviour patterns of children and not only in the classroom, grooming kids is a delicate process and should be performed with love, care and understanding.

SHEHNAZ PATEL- Educationist
N.R. Primary School, Ahmedabad


Discipline is necessary in every organization but children are now always in a position to understand the necessity of rules and regulations. They should be inculcated in them with love and care. Corporal punishment brings in fear without understanding. 
As an ideal teacher, we would set an example by doing things which we would like our students and colleagues to follow. ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’ is an adage of the past times. Instead of using rods in the classroom, as a wise, caring and understanding teacher, we should tactfully deal with classroom problems. A teacher must make herself interesting, tolerant and win over the hearts of her pupils. She should possess the power to diver their spirits towards serious studies. Punishment only leads to aggressiveness in the child.  Hence, in my opinion, rational behavior of a teacher and morally clean atmosphere are the essentials to be aimed at.

MRS. NUTAN PORI- Educationist
N.R. Primary School, Ahmedabad


Education begins with life. A teacher as a person is more important than a teacher as a Technician. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson “The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil” Each child has self respect. If a teacher keeps this in mind, lesser will be the Classroom problems. All students are not alike. Some needs more warnings whereas some need repeated attention. It is said “To teach is to learn twice” and so, at the time of teaching, a teacher is fully engrossed in explaining and 98% of the class is fully concentrating but if a single child plays mischief or disturbs the link, the whole class is disturbed. No doubt, the teachers is annoyed and quite like a human feeling, would like to thrash the child. Just because of 2% of the students, 98% should not suffer! Fear grips them for their negative behavior once the teacher is annoyed. 

Students should be made to understand the right and wrong, class manners, school rules and than even after this, a student does not pay heed, he should be punished so as to arouse fear. The fear should not be aroused at such an extent that the student refuses to come to school or has a school phobia or becomes a psychic patient. Sometimes, it becomes necessary that the Teacher goes against the proverb ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’ Some kids are ill mannered, confused and frustrated. Their family atmosphere plays a major role, they are severely punished at home and naturally, they would pour out their outbursts in school and become stubborn. Teachers should be considerate, have sympathetic attitude to such children. However, as it is said “Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them, makes an impression” – True, Impressions last on the memories for a life time. So is the relationship of teacher-student that lingers in memory to be remembered with fondness for the close ties all through the years.

N. R. Primary School, Ahmedabad


A child is like a mirror. Whatever comes his way, falls and creates an impression upon his mind. Behavior, as such, is an expression of a child with respect to a particular situation. These expressions vary from one child to another. This variance is attributed to various factors like his upbringing, family background and his relation with his parents. Behavior patterns vary in school and at home. The behavior of a child in school defines his nature as a student. Some typical behavior of children in school pose hindrance to their learning process. Some case studies can be explained as below:

Diffident Child : These types of children always keep themselves away from any kind of discussion or competition due to lack of confidence. This slows down their learning process. The reason that can be attributed to such type of behavior could be over dominance at home by elders and lack of encouragement to express themselves. These children need a very high level of motivation and confidence boosting dosage from parents and teachers. They can be encouraged to participate in various debates and competitions. They should be appreciated for their achievements or praised even for simple efforts. This action would encourage them and make them more confident. 

Mischievous Child : Such children try their hands with all kinds of pranks. These children are destructive minded and are difficult to control them. Over freedom by parents make such kids have no fear. They possess over superiority complex and are over confident. Such kids behave normally with teachers like the way they behave with their parents. The sure way to control such naughty children is to keep them occupied with some activity or the other. They can efficiently manage to monitor the class, help the teacher with small classroom tasks which might make him aware of certain responsibilities. Pampering such children means inviting trouble for him and for others too. Pampering should be avoided even if he is a single child at home as for a teacher in school, all students are equal and unreasonable demands are not fulfilled in school. 
After all, the behavior of children are not intentional but the root cause needs to be identified. It is necessary that parents and teachers should have a good understanding for betterment of a child.

MS. HARITA RAVAL-Educationist
N.R. Primary School, Ahmedabad


The Book, once considered to be the best friend has now acquired a status of much dreaded foe. There was a time when children used to love reading books, storybooks, comics and novels. Nowadays, kids shy away and refrain from picking books to read. With the advent of satellite channels, a child is exposed to digital trash. In search of quality entertainment, they stick like glue to TV Sets watching silly comedy and stupid cartoons. Whereas, Reading develops innovative thinking in children unlike TV wherein children see what it offers. Books provide a greater freedom. A child can decide what he or she would like to read. Unfortunately, reading habit is dying very fast. If a Library is equipped with books, it is the responsibility of a teacher to see that the children make use of the library to the fullest and make a long lasting friendship with the books. This can be accomplished by a teacher who is devoted to books. She has to be a book lover and an ardent reader. It is difficult for an overburdened child to take interest unless the child is motivated for reading by the teacher. A teacher can cultivate reading habits and build a child’s character. By narrating interesting stories, a teacher can inspire the kids. A teacher must play the required role to instill moral values by mastering the ancient art of story telling and also provide good selection of reading material to the children. Parents too can contribute towards forming reading habits in their kids. They are the ones who can purchase books for them, narrate stories and form a regular habit of reading every day.

The Book, once considered to be the best friend has now acquired a status of much dreaded foe. There was a time when children used to love reading books, storybooks, comics and novels. Nowadays, kids shy away and refrain from picking books to read. With the advent of satellite channels, a child is exposed to digital trash. In search of quality entertainment, they stick like glue to TV Sets watching silly comedy and stupid cartoons. Whereas, Reading develops innovative thinking in children unlike TV wherein children see what it offers. Books provide a greater freedom. A child can decide what he or she would like to read. Unfortunately, reading habit is dying very fast. If a Library is equipped with books, it is the responsibility of a teacher to see that the children make use of the library to the fullest and make a long lasting friendship with the books. This can be accomplished by a teacher who is devoted to books. She has to be a book lover and an ardent reader. It is difficult for an overburdened child to take interest unless the child is motivated for reading by the teacher. A teacher can cultivate reading habits and build a child’s character. By narrating interesting stories, a teacher can inspire the kids. A teacher must play the required role to instill moral values by mastering the ancient art of story telling and also provide good selection of reading material to the children. Parents too can contribute towards forming reading habits in their kids. They are the ones who can purchase books for them, narrate stories and form a regular habit of reading every day.

N.R. Primary School, Ahmedabad


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! This known saying fits well in case of competitions too. Striving for academic excellence with no scope for healthy competitions makes one stagnant with no room for further development. Competitions are most essential and are a part and parcel of education. Without it, knowledge is incomplete. Healthy Competitions in longer run, develops all round personality, increases thirst for knowledge, flourishes talents, builds self confidence and acts as window to the open world. It is obvious that various Competitions, Projects and Programmers are held throughout the year. Fair judging by the Judges would produce galaxy of stars among students, draw the potentialities in them and expose their hidden talents. Internal and external competitions play a vital role in a child’s progress. Internal competitions like Fancy dress, music, poetry recitation, story telling, handwriting, reading, rangoli, etc. 
inspires and encourages children for participation bubbling joys within for achievements and gives a feeling of accomplishment. External competitions exposes them to the outer world, thereby nourishing their interests and leading them to guide to wuthering heights of success. This inculcates thirst for educational activities and creativity, thereby changing their attitude for their overall personality. 

As a plant in the nascent stage needs a congenial environment for further nourishment, similarly students need a congenial atmosphere to attain perfection for their real intellectual development. The creation of real human being comes through actual participatory learning process.

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I thank all Teachers, Parents, Readers and all those who believe in me and my Teaching techniques. Since years of my experience teaching kids English and preparing them to face challenges at every step, my main focus has always remained on Reading and their overall Development. Kids never flower to bloom without the support of adults who motivate and encourage them. They need to nurture their talents. 

I specifically Thank all the Online Teachers for their regular visits to Kidsfreesouls.com. By making use of the Kidsfreesouls Contents in various Classroom Project, Kidsfreesouls is “NIE-Newspaper in Education” since quite a year. I value your Feedback and look forward for your comments, suggestions and ideas. Do get in touch with me at Google Educator’s Group and also contribute your Articles for this Teacher’s Page.

Happy Teachers Day, Happy Teaching…


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