Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers Supreme Leadership by Alinka Rutkowska

Supreme Leadership by Alinka Rutkowska


Revealing Leadership Conversational Intelligence Supremely

Supreme Leadership by Alinka Rutkowska
Book Review by Ilaxi Patel 

Are you an Aspiring Leader or Business Person who is fascinated by Leadership? Maybe, you are a Leader who need to hone leadership skills ! Look no further. Supreme Leadership brings leading minds and landmark ideas in an easily accessible conversational format to gain wisdom from 34 CEOs who are celebrating their 25th Anniverary in 2018.
The Author helps fuel the fire of innovative thoughts through the interaction and experiences of Leaders to gain 850 years of wisdom from their success stories. It gives a big-picture strategic thinking, tactical problem solving, advice in managing at Corporate level or for developing personal careers – from the scratch to be successful Leader. Being a Leader isn’t enought as it needs to being an ‘Effective Leader.’ The practical examples are a storehouse of information revealed by the Leaders as Alinka Rutkowska pens down the new, fresh and stories that are supreme. What common observation is that these genius minds possess is ‘Passion’ and ‘Grit’ apart from Vision and capability to overcome obstacles and challenges. Though we do not recognize the names of CEOs interviewed in this Book, nevertheless it an influence of their ability, models of leadership, leadership assessment, ethical leadership, Innovation and Ideas, tact and wisdom to lead and face challenges that brings readers closer to them. And, Alinka Rutkowska has rightly justified her writing skills as she share their voices – loud and deep.

All 34 CEOs are featured in six chapters as :







A mention of Steve Jobs catch your attention as the Author Alinka Rutkowska writes on Steve Jobs’s persistence that exist on the leaders she interviewed. It turns out – a great deal, she says to the Steve Job’s quote: “I think it’s just like an on-off switch. Click and you’re gone. And that’s why I don’t like putting on-off switches on Apple devices.”

The Author in her interviews has even had two very important questions to the CEOs – one is on Law of Leadership and the other on Books the CEOs have read. This indeed is thoughtful read and reveals knowledge and moral values for business.

Way back in 2010, the Author published her first Book and now, the multi award winner and #1 International Bestseller brings yet another Book to transform minds and make waves to enhance Leadership in a supreme way. Alinka Rutkowska has created and hosted 5 Figure Author Challenge offering winning strategies and she’s been featured on Fox Business Network, affiliates of ABC, NBC and CBS, Author Marketing Club, The Author
Hangout, Kindlepreneur, Book Marketing Mentors, Examiner,She Knows, She Writes, The Writer’s Life and many more. Also, a sought-after speaker and has spoken at numerous conferences and on podcasts.

A powerful Practical guide to Positivity – Goals and learning from mistakes too. The Book is apt to gain reputation as the springboard of thought for both established and emerging business leaders. A Must Read.

Some quoted anecdotes from the Book that I randomly refer and like are :

” Humility is a wonderful thing and if you can keep yourself humble, success comes with hard work, good attitude and clever thinking. – Wayne Reuvers, LiveTechnology

” Another theory I gained from my business reading is that company values are more important than a business plan. We have very strong values at enChoice that we strive to stick to. One last value I’d like to
mention is to strive for continuous improvement. In this world today, you have to be willing to be constantly changing. That’s a value that we have: never stay the same. Keep changing.” – Tony White, enchoice

” The key factor (attribute to success) I think would be grit, a belief that we’d eventually succeed, and the willingness to endure any amount of pain or setbacks.” – Bob Ferris, VirTra

” I always say that you have to lead by example. Stay humble, and never expect anybody to do anything that you wouldn’t be willing to do yourself. You have to trust your people. You hire the right people, and you allow them to help
make the company better. Collaborate with them. Never feel like you’re above anybody else.” – Rupesh Patel, Zenique Hotelson on Law of Leadership ”

“ Make sure you pick something that you can be passionate about and that you love to do. That’s the No.1 thing. If you’re passionate about what you do, you’ll be 100 percent successful. Even when you’re passionate and things get hard,
it’s frustrating. It can drive you crazy, but at the end of the day you like doing it. If you’re not passionate about it and all those same things happen in that job anyway, then you don’t want to do it. Otherwise, you’ll always come back swinging like in a boxing match.” – Jeremy Enck, Fortus Groups


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