SUNDAYS WITH HRIDAAN : Danny and the Dinosaur


Hridaan Patel reads Danny the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff

This book has sold over six million copies and has been translated into a dozen languages. Danny and the Dinosaur comes in a series and all books are lovely. Danny visits a Museum and discovers dinosaurs there. He pretends the dinosaur is real and can talk and they set out on an adventure-a ride around the town.They see different things as they go by the streets. Some waiting for a bus just hopped on his tail for a ride. And that’s so funny, says Hridaan. Indeed, it is. Even when a lady has Books and the Dino picks her up. The zoo is a bit hit as all want to see Danny and not the caged animals.The best part is the hide and seek game. Its. Fun. The Dinosaur is so big he can’t hide but the kids have a jolly time. Children are adorable and they love the craziest creatures like I said in last post. – the Sharks, Dinosaurs and the Mcqueen Cars. Ask a pre schooler and you will be amazed to see them talking about them, the movies and the danger. If one gets a brand, the other wants the same. This is a concern.

This is where we derive an understanding for parents, Teach kids the values – the value of money and say four words, “I can’t afford it”

As for the story, its just humour, fun and excitement to chase blues away. A moral to be happy, humorous , lively, be friendly and kind. Danny the Dinosaur is just the lovely Book for Dino lovers.

Sundays with Hridaan is in Association to Ahmedabad Book Club and appears on ABC’S INSTAGRAM at ahmbookclub and on Facebook Ahmedabad Book Club


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