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Sugary Sweet Dizziness



Social life in my town is almost enjoying great feasts and late nights with a lot of celebrations. A lot of festivals and events are celebrated and enjoying food – this means, the last dish is always “Desserts” which later desert in the morning with a dizzy feels of the Sugary sweet stuff. And, I am one person who loves to eat the Desserts. I have noticed that last three times, whenever I had Vanilla with Hot chocolate, the second thing was un-easiness. Any sugary dish in excess and it’s been a shaky health. I wonder the reason and had a research on this. 

I understand, Sugar cravings usually arise out of an imbalance in our body. This imbalance could be a result of eating very little food during the day. In such a case it is natural to crave for sugar as it can quickly satisfy the body’s need for calories as well as compensate for the low which such a person usually experiences. Another reason for sugar craving could be consuming very little protein.

When sugar cravings begin to rule life, we develop hypoglycemia, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, immune deficiency, bone loss, yeast infections, herpes, pre-menstrual syndrome, loss of memory and concentration, irritability, anger, mood swings, depression and more.

Sugar happens to creates mineral imbalances within the body. It borrows more B-vitamins from the body in order to get metabolized and gives nothing in return as it contains no nutrients. Therefore it is called an anti-nutrient. If we have a sweet tooth, we have to consume additional B-complex as its stores get depleted. The mineral chromium also gets severely depleted by consuming white sugar. And after the age of say, 40 +, it’s ever to take the B complex and vitamin E.

Excess of any flavour, whether sweet, salty, bitter, sour, tends to create imbalances within the body. While natural sugars like honey, dates, jaggery are rich in minerals, when used in excess, they manage to upset the body’s protein/carbohydrate balance and bring about imbalances in blood sugar. Therefore even natural sources of sugar should be eaten in small quantities.

Foods rich in protein such as soyabeans, paneer, dal, tofu, almonds help to keep the blood sugar in balance and reduce sugar cravings.

It’s watch and eat as far as Desserts are served. Especially, the Sugary sweet Crazy bites! I guess, it’s more to stop a Temptation – taste it and leave it. Or else, there you go for a run with ‘Diabetes’

Btw, A 12-week London study was recently conducted involving 58 type 2 diabetics with hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels over 7 percent. Hemoglobin A1c is a marker for long-term glycemic control in diabetics.

After 12 weeks on 2g of cinnamon per day, study subjects had significantly lower HbA1c levels, as well as significantly reduced blood pressures (systolic, SBP and diastolic, DBP).

The researchers’ conclusion:

“Intake of 2g of cinnamon for 12 weeks significantly reduces the HbA1c, SBP and DBP among poorly controlled type 2 diabetes patients. Cinnamon supplementation could be considered as an additional dietary supplement option to regulate blood glucose and blood pressure levels along with conventional medications to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus.”

Also, Researchers studied magnesium intake and diabetes risk in about 4,500 men and women aged 18 to 30. None of the participants were diabetic at the start of the study.

Over the ensuing 20 years, 330 of the test subjects developed diabetes. The people with the highest magnesium intake – about 200 milligrams for every 1,000 calories consumed – were almost 50 percent less likely to develop diabetes than men and women who consumed about 100 milligrams per 1,000 calories.

The study also revealed that as magnesium intake increased, inflammation levels decreased, as did insulin resistance.

So, half a tea spoon of Cinnamon can optimize Cholesterol level.

In some other cases, my research says, more serious disruption of the blood supply to the brain, such as a transient ischemic attack or stroke, may cause dizziness.

Anxiety and panic attacks, especially when accompanied by hyperventilation, can lead to dizzy spells. These may be accompanied by tingling fingers and headaches.

Low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) is another possible cause, and is easily remedied by eating some sugary food.

Other rarer causes of dizziness include:

Drug treatments


Abnormal heart rhythms




Acute intoxication

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Finally, dizziness is a warning alarm. If dizziness strikes and pass away often, do not shrug off. Go and see a Doctor.

Sources to surf:

Dr. Mercola’s site

How to stop sweet cravings

(All Posts by ilaxi patel: This Health & Fitness Blog is based on personal thoughts and research work. Readers may please Consult your Doctor for your Health Problems)


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