Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers Sakshibhav – soul stirring emotions

Sakshibhav – soul stirring emotions



Voices echo from all corners of the world to see a leader rise to be the future Prime Minister of India.

Narendra Darmodardas Patel, a modest man who hails from my very own home-town ‘Vadnagar’ – The third of seven children, Narendra Modi, helped his father Damodardas Mulchand Modi run a tea shop at the Vadnagar railway station, while mother Heeraben worked in an oil mill. The Bhagavatacharya Narayanacharya High School, where Modi studied is shut today but this is the place where he participated in debates. He confronted many odds and obstacles right from his childhood and began working in the staff canteen of Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation, where he stayed till he became a full–time pracharak (campaigner) of the RSS.

The mission of the RSS got deep rooted in the mind of Narendrabhai. He followed with commitment for the social and cultural development of India and imbibed the spirit of selflessness, social responsibility, dedication and nationalism. He transformed challenges into opportunities with political will, passion, determination, dedication and hard work.

CM Narendra Modi, with his philosophy for life ‘Never think of becoming, think of doing’ has led the ‘Namo Mantra ‘Development of Gujarat for the Development of India’ and struck the chord right to be a PM with a vision to change the facet of the nation. He believes, it is essential for the country to nurture dreams and then sacrifice our lives in service with a clear determination to serve.

CM Narendra Modi loved reading and later embraced Technology. I recollect my days as Online Editor of a then popular newspaper when Narendrabhai’s cup of tea started with reading newspapers online. He always kept himself aware and informed. Whenever I happened to meet on occasions, I felt his presence as a good human being. He has an eye to see through and abilities to listen patiently. I have always seen him curious to find answers to questions that arose in his mind and an explorer to find avenues to nurture his inner self. He recognizes potential people, have trust and faith in them. A man who lives with discipline, Narendrabhai has attained his leadership sustainability with simplicity, time management, resource management, accountability, responsibility, tracking, melioration and even enhancing emotional quotient.  His wits, humor and capabilities make him stand a leader with unmatched excellence. Being a good orator and being an Author of several books, he portrays himself a literature character with the magic of words and rhyming syllables.

I attended his recently launched Book ‘Sakshibhav’ event and witnessed the poise of a man who portrayed his spiritual dimensional journey. Sakshibhav is the soul stirring expositions of his ideology and inner revelations of his heart. He pours his emotions and anxieties in myriad ways in this book while he interacts with Ma Jagdamba – his inner soul. Witnessing the ‘Sakshi Bhav’, the conscious within manifests his dream and he jot down his thought process in the Diary as a spiritual Karmayogi. His prayerful poetic dialogue speaks of inner struggle, aspects of life, his turmoil, expectations, sacrifices, satisfaction, compromises, spirituality, forbearance, meditation and more.  He is found to depict reality and concerns in form of poetry with thoughtfulness. Some of his poetry is free verse whereas some reflect the feel of a creative being and even refer anecdotes. Salient, sublime, and consequential poet within, Narendrabhai has written the Diary copies with an engaged, layered, facile manner. His Gujarati language is informal, his philosophy too bold and principled. It seems with the jottings, he is completely engrossed in Sakshibhav, witnessing the mind – practiced Dharana, a firm concentration on the self and dhyana or meditation, the inner vision of the self which is clearly seen as he manifests his journey for better tomorrow.

sakshi hall

More impressing was his speech and his deliverance at the launch of ‘Sakshibhav.’ Cool, calm and composed. His memories led him way back to his childhood days and like any ordinary human being, he was excited to share his thoughts. Name or fame has not touched him to affect his soul. Needless to say, the person within is ready for challenges and responsibilities to meet the expectations of many. He reveals his kind and affectionate nature as he mentions of his book journey and one can feel the spiritual being as he stood behind Sri Sri Ravishankerji while he launched the book. A brief deliverance of his oratory skills and he left the audience mesmerized and happy with his charismatic poetic soul. He specifically read a verse written with intuition when he was not into politics. Those who doubt the political will of CM may not realize that knowingly or unknowingly, years ago, he mentioned in his Book “Mother, I know that I have taken my being on new stage and even design its decor. Give me intelligence, my heart and all parts of my body I have to change to qualify to be on the stage. Mother, with your blessings, this will happen. The feeling of being alive is to be realized but my mind, intelligence, heart –parts of my body are connected with a soul and I am denoted to it.”(Page 65) As you can read more of his penned poetry on 9th December 1986, he further speaks of his connexion with Ma and faith in her. He is unperturbed of rest or destination and specify that his faith in inner and outer conditions will keep him safe and engaged.  This indicates, he manifests pure consciousness and reveals treasure chest of spiritual discipline analyzing the truth of the self Atmatatva, who has crores of souls and is engaged in producing less illusion, he is full of the essence of self-realization and is totally free.

At the Launch venue of University Convention Hall, people lined by to meet him while he entered the Book Signing Hall, CM Narendrabhai Modi met the applause of people who shouted ‘Vande Mataram’. Over 4000 people witnessed the launch and many who could not make way inside the hall were the lucky ones who could see him closer as he waved his hand and accepted their greetings. These many fans even grabbed the discounted copy of his book at the Publisher Book Stall at the Hall and lined up for CM’s Autograph and photo click with him. It was amazing to see over 500 + fans who met CM and he patiently signed all the copies with a delightful smile on his lips and happy heart.

CM is openhearted and fair with the credits he gives to people who inspired him to write the Book – Suresh Dalal who wrote the Book Introduction before he left for his peaceful journey and dedicated the book to Narendrabhai Panchasara, his RSS campaigner inmate who helped to preserve the copies written since 1986.  

As I am fully blessed being a part of the development journey of Gujarat, I am confident that CM Narendra Modi will pave in for bigger role being the PM of India. It only takes a vision to see the winds of change.

Printed by Image Publications, Ahmedabad, Sakshibhav comes along with an Audio CD – you can hear some parts here on CM’s site:


Some remarkable jottings I noted that stirs emotions:

“Mare toa jagatni laganiothi jodavu che,

mare toa sauni vednani anubhuti karvi che,

marapanana astitvane homi devu che,

sadakar mate kem nathi malati?

Jo ne ..ma, pratikshani paroni vaat pan,

mara antaranne ketlu ghunti rahi che!”


“ma…aa kasotithi pan hun chintit nathi.

Tari pase ashishni kamna etla matej che ke mari pasethi bahuj apekshao che,

Aa apekshaoni purti karva mate hun jaray uno na utru

Tevi shakti ane bhaktini mane chahna che.”


“ma hun pan samayne pamva mathu chu,

jivanni palne pakadva mathu chu,

tara dwaraj eva ek parbinduni dhara vahi pade,

teni kamna karto samay sathe vahi rahyo chu..

kyak rokavani lalsa saathe


“ahin prem naamna tatvanu sakar roop

jivant bani sahune sparshi rahyu che.

‘Aham’ mathi ‘vayam’ tarafni gatinuj ae parinaam che.”


“ma…aajno diwas aam kem kare che?

Suraj upar chadhvani sathe sathe

Mane vadhu daah kem bakshe che?

Badhu j joi shaku chu, jani shaku chu,

ma, tari krupathi….


“ma…shu kalno savarno suraj pan amaj ugashe?

Atyare lage che toa evuj.

Have kalna surajne ugvano samay pan kya baki che!

Pal be palma ugi jashe.

Toa ae suraj pan aajni parshvabhumimaj hash eke?

Maa…shabdo, bhavna, saghru

Human toa sunn bani bethu che” 

You can read the Book on scribd on CM’s site http://www.narendramodi.in/sakshibhaav/ 

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