Home Teacher Contributions Role Of A Teacher In Developing Reading Habits

Role Of A Teacher In Developing Reading Habits


MS. HARITA RAVAL-Educationist
N.R. Primary School, Ahmedabad


The Book, once considered to be the best friend has now acquired a status of much dreaded foe. There was a time when children used to love reading books, storybooks, comics and novels. Nowadays, kids shy away and refrain from picking books to read.

With the advent of satellite channels, a child is exposed to digital trash. In search of quality entertainment, they stick like glue to TV Sets watching silly comedy and stupid cartoons. Whereas, Reading develops innovative thinking in children unlike TV wherein children see what it offers. Books provide a greater freedom. A child can decide what he or she would like to read. Unfortunately, reading habit is dying very fast. If a Library is equipped with books, it is the responsibility of a teacher to see that the children make use of the library to the fullest and make a long lasting friendship with the books. This can be accomplished by a teacher who is devoted to books. She has to be a book lover and an ardent reader. It is difficult for an overburdened child to take interest unless the child is motivated for reading by the teacher. A teacher can cultivate reading habits and build a child’s character. By narrating interesting stories, a teacher can inspire the kids. A teacher must play the required role to instill moral values by mastering the ancient art of story telling and also provide good selection of reading material to the children. Parents too can contribute towards forming reading habits in their kids. They are the ones who can purchase books for them, narrate stories and form a regular habit of reading every day.
The Book, once considered to be the best friend has now acquired a status of much dreaded foe. There was a time when children used to love reading books, storybooks, comics and novels. Nowadays, kids shy away and refrain from picking books to read. With the advent of satellite channels, a child is exposed to digital trash. In search of quality entertainment, they stick like glue to TV Sets watching silly comedy and stupid cartoons. Whereas, Reading develops innovative thinking in children unlike TV wherein children see what it offers. Books provide a greater freedom. A child can decide what he or she would like to read. Unfortunately, reading habit is dying very fast. If a Library is equipped with books, it is the responsibility of a teacher to see that the children make use of the library to the fullest and make a long lasting friendship with the books. This can be accomplished by a teacher who is devoted to books. She has to be a book lover and an ardent reader. It is difficult for an overburdened child to take interest unless the child is motivated for reading by the teacher. A teacher can cultivate reading habits and build a child’s character. By narrating interesting stories, a teacher can inspire the kids. A teacher must play the required role to instill moral values by mastering the ancient art of story telling and also provide good selection of reading material to the children. Parents too can contribute towards forming reading habits in their kids. They are the ones who can purchase books for them, narrate stories and form a regular habit of reading every day.


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