Home Teacher Contributions The Leader in Education: Raja Pathak

The Leader in Education: Raja Pathak

MR. RAJA PATHAK, Director of Sattva Vikas School, Udgam School & Swastik School

One Man Makes the Difference…..THE LEADER! Mr. Raja Pathak, a name which is on the lips of many parents, teachers, children. Even the Educationists, Press & Government officials! Opinions in contrast with an impact, a very Bold, Determined, Enthusiastic, Powerful Personality!

A man, who not only encourages, inspires others and kindles ray of hope to change the Education system leading towards better understanding, clear and in tune with the times heading towards the 21st Century to make the vision dream come true!

Mr. Raja Pathak has the ability of thinking deeply, ability of effective communication, ability of foreseeing the future of the kids and thereby, taking necessary corrective action from time to time. He has changed the ways of education in his way, prepares and trains his children in a manner that gives absolute results. His share for the Gujarati medium is two folds as he is revolutionary towards bringing change in their roots of learning. Mr. Raja Pathak makes himself well informed and aware of the latest developments in technology, educational field and also I have heard, knocks the doors of the Educational Department. His reputation gives a picture of a Man who is kind, caring, truthful and honest. He possess the four D’s – Dedication, devotion, determination and discipline. He has deeply involved his life also his whole family has contributed in education field. His father Mr. Chandraprasad Pathak’s influence on him, made Raja Pathak an Ideal Educationist devoted to his field of Teaching. His father, a true Educationist won the ‘National Award for ‘Best Teacher’ in the year 1989-90 and imparted education in a fun, interesting and demonstrative way. He taught students in Khadia in a young age of 13, then began career in 1956 at the V.S. Tutorial and then always progressed further, encouraging Mr. Raja Pathak who has sweeped changes in education. Mr. Pathak guides and inspires not only students but also parents and people who sort for his advice and guidance. Mr. Raja Pathak has a record students who stand ‘Toppers’ in Board results.

I conclude “Attitude determines Altitude’ and so Rajabhai as referred by Kidsfreesouls is a King (Raja) with a golden heart. I respect Rajabhai and whenever I meet him, he has always been a source of Inspiration and guided me in right direction. Kidsfreesouls wishes Rajabhai ‘All Success’ for his new venture ‘Sattva vikas School’ – A school with a Difference!

Guardian of Angels: A Practical Guide to Joyful Parenting

Congratulations for such a wonderful book. We all are happy and proud of you! Your efforts and hard work with child mentoring brings hope for many parents. All the best wishes.

Schools Gaining PCs but Losing Playgrounds
– By Raja Pathak
(As appeared in Times of India & Freesouls, Dec 2, 2007)

The education scenario is absolutely transformed from the days when we were studying. Being in the field one sees that the transformation has become constant phenomenon. We are racing against time to be at par with the level of education in other states.

Technology, which has become such an indispensable part of education, has proved quite a leveller. It has brought extreme uniformity in education. With computers and technology one can have the same resources in a school based in a village, a metro or a mega city. What needs to be explained is how one uses this very technology in a different and newer manner.

With the introduction of teaching, the administrative work of schools has reduced to a great extent. There alre also so many options available in audio and visual competent with cheap options readily available.

If we think of Ahmedabad as a mega city, what we lack is schools with good resources, considering the number of people migrating to the city. What is commendable in the last few years is the increased number of English medium schools in the city.

The importance of education in English has become the top priority for most parents in all sections of society because of the awareness and consciousness of the parents.

Obviously, the lack of knowledge of spoken English has proved to be a handicap for Gujarat but we are trying hard to remove that tag. The interest to learn computers and the bombarding of the problem by the media has changed the atmosphere in the typical Gujarati homes. They are now more open to English and look up to it, making it indispensable for the parents as well as children to learn it.

Besides all the issues that the education in schools face, two major problems are the lack of play grounds and secondly the deteriorating reading habits of the children. Both these observations have a deeper and lasting impact on the generation that is in school today. The students have become extremely impatient and get distracted very fast. Their energies do not get a constructive vent and thus the problems like short temper, aggression and misbehavior have become common.

The Government needs to intervene immediately and make play grounds mandatory for any new school. One could also initiate co-operative play grounds or community stadiums to promote sports amongst the children.


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