Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers Tomorrow’s Young Achievers by Pushpendra Mehta

Tomorrow’s Young Achievers by Pushpendra Mehta

tomachievers pushpendra

tomachievers pushpendra

REVIEW BY : Ilaxi Patel

I confess, I love to read Management Books that inspire younger minds, that delve with the old as well as the ‘New Rules’ which work well with upcoming or established Entrepreneurs.

Pushpendra Mehta’s Book ‘Tomorrow’s Young Achievers’ is Highly Recommended. The book is inspiring for young achievers as the Author shares his profound knowledge and experience with his readers.

Tomorrow’s Young Achievers by Pushpendra Mehta is an Enrepreneural package that consist of valuable 31 career defining insights for Generation X. In four Chapters, the Author shares his life experiences and lessons acquired during his Academic journey at Northwestern University , subject matter experts, personal observations, specific classmates and subsequent Professional careers. Travelled across 11 cities/towns within India and Overseas, Pushpendra Mehta is well versed with diverse cultures, is equipped with modern technology tools and gadgets and prepares young minds to be focused to determine their future in 2025 – 15 years from now, facing challenges amidst Learning curves and change, getting ready for Job or Entrepreneurship and even preparing the younger generation for socio-economic, cultural, political, legal, creativity, business, environmental and technical changes.


The Book is really a great entrepreneurial memoir with tons of interesting anecdotes and advise with insights to script own career destiny in an uncertain world. It Emphasize how Entrepreneurs can create a culture of candor that can allow them to grow beyond par to make a niche for themselves. Pushpendra Mehta gives an insight into some unique trials Entrepreneurs face and interestingly pin points key message highlighting illustrations that speak of entrepreneurial traits.

The Author provides informative insights on Entrepreneurship, Marketing, NGO, Communication and Life visioning to dream big and talks of Unconventional risks creating lasting impressions. He draws lessons learnt from the under privileged in slums of Mumbai and Peru and having dealt with NGOs, he speaks of lessons learnt in marketing and striking a chord with customers on the street. How to live and fight risks each day is a challenge indeed for the underprivileged and yet, he observed through their business ventures, there are limitless options to explore as Entrepreneurs.

Summing up the contents, here is a glimpse into some important topics from Four Chapters:

Chapter I : It takes Learning and Change to Tango

The Author advise to facilitate Learning with change by being yourself and building own natural strengths. His interactions with a successful Entrepreneur reveal that Playing safe is one of the biggest risks in 21st century. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Marc Zuckerberg and many others started young and fresh without the burden of the word ‘experience’ and they made it Big. He recommends to experiment out of comfort zone and measuring performance each quarter. He feels the Importance of mentor or coach. ‘Objective, sagacious or experienced coach + smart young You’ to make up duo to brace up to the challenges leading to 2025.

Chapter 2: Script your own Career Destiny in an uncertain world

Learn to wear unlike hats – Job or Entrepreneurship. Developing skills for both. Should a job not work or you face a lay off – be prepared to be an Entrepreneur, advices the author. The chapter provides lessons for the mainstream and non mainstream professional with his month experience with the Underprivileged. He weighs force on mastering the art of negotiations and highlights that Tomorrow’s CEOs will come from HR and PR and get ready to master these skills apart from mastering voice techniques and speech skills. He Focuses on creativity and charting business plans. Updating on International Business, practices, new ventures and unexplored options.

Chapter 3: Life visioning, dreaming Big, Unconventional risks and clut of communicators

Most of the Authors talk of dreams but Pushpendra Mehta talks of life visioning and dreaming big. To start when young and fresh. Big dreams = repeated failures + Reject rejection + Vary Approach – bouncing back with bigger dreams to achieve goals. Rebuffing Pessimism and never give up are some success tips mentioned by the Author.

Chapter 4: Your Choice will determine your Future in 2025

Choices determine destiny, says Pushpendra Mehta. Being Friends and what friends mean is a topic which reflects today’s changing cultural scenario where friends are new family who stand by day to day. At University or job, the most overlooked aspect is ‘Interviewing the Boss’ and this is an interesting thought that the Author pens down. Other highlights of this chapter are asking for help, be caring or self absorbed leader and an amazing tip to go and work for a leader/boss who remains unchanged for years to grab the best experience but a tip more for which you need to read the book! And finally, being Chief Happiness Officer – Be Positive and stay Happy in an Unhappy world.

In an Economy Boom, opportunities have never been better for Entrepreneurs and I feel, Entrepreneurs should read this book as ‘How to stay tuned’ to their own business and even face challenges with competitive companies in their own markets. Pushpendra Mehta’s Academic and Professional journey gives an insight to grab opportunities and strike big with wide ranging resource that offer something for business pioneers of all stripes.

And finally my concluding note: Tomorrow’s Young Achievers – This Book is a Boon and a Blessing. It is Well-written, great Entrepreneurial message, passionate plea, bold and courageous and a great book to reflect on what it means to Achieve and find youself in 2025. A must Read – Must pick, Enjoy.

The Author Pushpendra Mehta is an alumnus of Northwestern University (USA) and Sydenham College (Mumbai, India) and CEO of Vcherish.com with Consultancy firm, a new age Marketing, PR and Communications Consultancy Service. Serves as ‘Career Strategist and Mentor’ to Young Minds-Students, Executives and Entrepreneurs. He can be contacted at pushpendramehta@vcherishmedia.com

Author site: http://www.vcherish.com/

Watch the Book Video: http://youtu.be/IruelK88Pww


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