Home Culture & Festivals Power Speak – Hello Day

Power Speak – Hello Day


November 21, 2017 is the 45th annual World Hello Day. Say hello to at least ten people on the day. By greeting others, the message is for personal communication to preserve peace. The event began in 1973 by Brian and Michael McCormack in response to the Yom Kippur War. Since then World Hello Day has been observed by people in 180 countries.

HELLO” – When we say this five lettered word, it’s the sound that makes a big difference. The voice is the power within you, the inner reflection of your soul. Voice has a special depth of thoughts and can influence your whole life as well as others.

Psychologists say, first impressions are correct 67% of the time. Touch the heart of the listener and they’ll barely notice if your voice is less than mellifluous or if your hand gestures are a little too choppy. Monotonous speaker loses touch with her essential enthusiasm. A humorless speaker temporary lose touch with her essential joy and becomes a bore whereas a theoretical speaker lose touch with her humanity and reality. One need to be in perfect sync with the audience or a listener. Flat, forgettable and monotonous voice are no more the choice of listeners. The sound of your voice should arouse emotion, feelings and gut level reactions in other people. Positive voice influence makes a big difference. Never underestimate the power of your voice. People judge you by the way you speak! The tone of your voice is often revealing. 55% of the message is revealed with facial expressions, body language and gestures and 38% of the message reduce effectiveness due to flat or distracting, annoying and boring. 7% only counts for content deliverance. This is as per the research of UCLA study conducted by Dr. Albert Mehrabian. Distracting words are often those spoken ‘like’ – ‘ummm’ – ‘aaah’ – ‘I mean’ – the slang! ‘Whatever’ often is taken granted as the conversation is abrupt or put to end. This catch phrase makes the speaker sound as if she is shrugging off the conversation and discontinue the talk. A rudeness, verbal slang showing lack of interest. Yet people do go for such words and in sense, this is even taken as ‘style’ of speaking. A pause is the best option to correct this while speaking. A pause adds power and impact to the listener.
Quick tips:

1. Warm up and use the power of your mind to shape your voice. entice, motivate and inspire.
2. Evaluate your voice with the tempo, rhythm and proper adjustments of vocal patterns and rate of speech. and avoid pronunciation and usage mistakes. These are the most common bloopers which tend to create a bad impression.
3. Banish non words that has verbal viruses and speak more smoothly.
(More on Hello Day)

When you say ‘Hello’ the sound is like tinkling bell. If you observe people talking, you can find the characteristics of the person which can master you with ‘mind reading’. Voice can get you hired or fired or promoted too. A voice can make friends or foes. A voice bring love back into your life and a voice can make your work loads lighter when you are on heights of your job and the work stress is higher.

Remembering Lionel Richie’s song ‘Hello’ and I am sure, you will love to listen this song this day!

An Article from my Book Guardian of Angels (Ilaxi Patel) and also appeared in Freesouls Supplement in Sambhaav Newspapers

“HELLO” – When we say this five lettered word, it’s the sound that makes a big difference. Your voice is the inner reflexion of your soul. Every person has gifted with a voice which one can modulate with the speech styles. The voice is the power within you. It has powers that make a person fall in love with you. Close your eyes and listen to the smooth husky flowing voice of ‘George Michael’ or a close friend and you can feel the calm like a breath of fresh air! Listen to the musical sensation of Ricky Martin’s ‘Cup of Life’ and one can feel the rush of excitement in life. Listen to the bold voice of late PM Rajiv Gandhi and you are sure to feel the concerns finding yourself in the midst of a debate getting aggressive and confident. A voice can make one ready for a battle of words which can calm and seduce, provoke or silence, thrill and charge or can be electrifying. Voice has a special depth of thoughts and can influence your whole life as well as others. When you say ‘Hello’ the sound is like tinkling bell when you say it with softness and deep feeling but if you are harsh with your words, this means you are not towards the right track to road ahead of success. Words spoken with intelligence, words spoken with soft feelings, words spoken with understanding has an impact on the other with the voice powers. If you observe people talking, you can find the characteristics of the person which can master you with ‘mind reading’. Voice can get you hired or fired or promoted too. A voice can make friends or foes. A voice bring love back into your life and a voice can make your work loads lighter when you are on hieghts of your job and the work stress is higher. A Free Soul Friend Siddharth says ” Voice is like a calm breeze which builds the faith and brings in the peace of mind.” Vivek puts it this way that a voice should be pleasant that a person keeps talking to you but it also depends on one’s identity otherwise you are sure to be rejected with a bang of the receiver if you just call someone and say ‘Hi’. However this depends on the way you start your say, so he beams. Rohan too supports Vivek’s views on voice but Binal snaps back ‘Priya had a beautiful voice and talked for hours but she faced a rejection from me. What’s the point of hearing a beautiful voice when you can’t meet, says he!

Truly, Voice is a lovely gift that humans possess and as someone said “Speech is silvern, silence is gold” – Speech is Silvern but Silence speaks a thousand words and those thousand words when are accumulated comes out with an outburst, overflowing thoughts stored in the mind and than there is peace and calmness, isnt this true?

Power Speak your way to success

Language is a gold mine which makes a big Change. Dig deep into it, build your vocabulary and dive for unlimited treasure which has remained there untapped for a long time. Rediscover yourself with your own Speech. All words look great in cold print but do not sound the same when spoken aloud. So, the first step towards success is Reading Aloud. This enables to make you hear your own voice what you are reading. Than think of the better modulations of your voice. Focus on your speech and style. Pronunciations play a major role here. Sound is born in your own vocal voice chords. Let it rise through your chest, throat and mouth, bubble with enthusiam and vigour effortlessly and lightly. Speech therapists focus on various methods. Free souls helps your voice modulation with a few tips as per experiences.

Be Soft spoken. Speak from the depth of your heart, speak your mind and feel your nerves pulsating the sound of your voice.

Be Energetic. Electrify the listener with your presentation. Don’t let butterflies quiver you and chase away the nervouseness.

Mind your Language. Words has a meaning as well as topics do count a lot. Work on pronunciatins and build vocabulary.

Talk sense. Avoid beating around the bush. Say clear, be brief and do not fumble. Confusion lands you and the listener into more confusion. Do not bluff or fool yourself but blur out sensibly even if words are not meant to be spoken. Use tact, speak truth but know realities too and act sensibly to it. Convince your listener.

Create Leadership air. Build an air of confidence with your speech. Start talking directly with the main topic using easy flow of jokes, comments or anecdotes. Some words are guaranteed to make people listen. Dig for knowledgeable words – it evokes curiosity, love, understanding, excitement, etc.

Presentation with style. Cultivate a positive attitude. Be positive, prepared and well aware. Work on memory improvement levls. Check your blues. Get mirror practise and check your expressions too. A smile with the speech takes you to miles.

Voice Modulation. The most important factor is voice modulation – pitch, tone and volume. Adjust the Bass, volume like the sound system. Start with soft notes. Good beginning is best otherwise its shrieking from the start. Feel humour, feel happy, calm and composed.

Expressions. They are most important as expressions reflects your inner feelings and your speech is based on your thoughts. Let your speech and expression be your asset as well as a good decent Dress code

Article from Guardian of Angels by Ilaxi Patel


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