Home Kids News Playzone for Kids to Play, Learn, Explore

Playzone for Kids to Play, Learn, Explore


All Work and No Play makes Jack a Dull Boy !

Child’s development schedules has a power parenting role of Play which is an integral part of a child’s Early Years Foundation Stage. It lets the children dive into the imagination world giving spaces to use their creativiy and even support their learning journey in the process. Young children can develop many skills through the power of play. They may develop their language skills, emotions, creativity and social skills.

Play is so important in child development that it’s been recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights as a right of every child. It definitely makes them happy, builds confidence and shrug off fear to grow up gracefully.

In Mumbai, Yaya playzone, located in Chinchpokli, is the brainchild of two sets of parents with one motto; to create a digital and screen-free space where young kids can do what they naturally do i.e. learn through play and explore. They bring wonderful experiences to children by creating a wholesome and delightful alternative to screen based fun. In YayA Play-zone, each space has been thoughtfully designed to inspire, stimulate imagination and curiosity and spark a joy of learning.

With the latest trends of ‘Play Dates’ taking place, YayA believes it to be one of those play situations that is beneficial in development of social, emotional, cognitive, language and physical domains in children. YayA also provides with the opportunity to organize a play date at their space for your children and their peers, enthralling them into world of giganitic slides, tunnels, climbers, digger, a world of imagination and creativity with real life experience in a safe and stimulating environment.

Besides all of these amazing features, YayA conducts an array of enrichment program and camps at regular intervals which are structured, and stimulate hand-on activities that are sure to enrich the understanding and personal development of children.

Website: http://www.yayaplayzone.com/

Over the last few decades, the amount of play time has been reduced both at school and at home, kids are showing higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Right balance between work and play is essential ingredient to stir the EQ, IQ and HQ (Happiness Quotient) in the lives of younger generation to help them reach their potentials and aim for goals. Yaya Play Zone is a #One Stop Reach to – Play, Learn, Explore. So, when in Mumbai at Chinchpokli, there’s a Happiness Quotient just waiting for your Children. Enjoy.



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