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Parenting – the President Obama way



It is proven that Parenting isn’t a Democracy neither Parenting is taught. It comes with experience. And, Parenting do not see a position which is truly observed with the former US President Obama who irrespective of being on Power, had set examples with lessons on Parenting.

Saying farewell to President Barack Obama has been a hard thing for many people around the world. With great responsibility, the new President Donald Trump comes to power and as we hear his speech, we assume his priorities will be US and only people of US and important issues on his mind. He is known to be a family man – keeping his home and family happy. And, here comes lessons of togetherness and thoughtful attitude to Parenting, the right way.

I was recently reading Common Sense Dad Blog and the Post Inauguration Parenting tips provide positive parenting. An example set by President Obama, Greenberg offers wise whizz ways to upbring children.

Some tips here may be so helpful to Kidsfreesouls Parents and I am sure, a lot of patience, love, care and understanding will help your kids grow gracefully.

* Make your home an island of sanity. Be fair, be supportive, and listen. Show your children what respect looks like by respecting them and yourself. Set the bar high and call them out when their behavior dips below it. Create a cocoon where they are accepted and loved for their compliance. Praise them for simple behaviors like when they wipe their shoes at the door, or share something with their sibling. That security will envelop them, and will give them strength of character when they venture into the world.

* Teach your kids to leave a trail of people behind them who have only nice things to say. Lead by example. We just came through the nastiest election in history, and if your kids don’t learn to navigate the world from you, they’re probably not gonna get it anywhere else. Model empathy and respect for others. What you do matters.

* Say this to your children a million times: YOU are the only person whose behavior you can control. Many times kids are frustrated by people who are mean to them, who disobey the rules, or tell lies. Explain that we (our family) is not like that. Use those people as examples of what not to do and praise your child for being able to identify those flaws. Make good behavior one of “our” family values, and use expressions like “Maybe that’s OK in their family, but our family doesn’t work like that.

* Serve others, and ask your children to participate. Several studies support the notion that doing regular chores or service to the community has numerous developmental benefits – and it doesn’t hurt to have a little help around the house! Teach gratitude and service. Show them that they are more fortunate than others. Let your kids see you help a stranger, and show them that they owe something for their comfort. Encourage your kids to pick up a piece of trash and put it in a nearby bin.

* Stay involved. Monitor the progress of their homework. It’s a struggle, we know, but “executive skills” (organization of time) will pay off when they enter the job market. Teach them how to use their planners and check them every once in a while. Encourage them to ask for help. Be their teammate, not their boss. Consider doing your work (or just reading) side by side. If need be, minimize the distractions – outlaw TV and other non-homework related electronics. Great conversations often arise in these periods of parallel study and silence.

* Allow your kids to struggle and even fail. This is one of the hardest challenges of parenting. Everybody makes mistakes…teach them to learn from theirs. As W. E. Hickson said: “If at first you don’t succeed… try try again.” This is how we all grow.

* Say NO when you need to. Adversity is something we all encounter every day. The sooner we can teach our children to deal with it, the better they will perform in the big bad world. Teach your children how to get you to say yes without whining or crying. Be strong.

* Make sure they have time to get bored. For children, play is work. When they’re left to ponder, their imaginations kick in. Limit their electronics during free time and don’t feel the need to entertain them. “Go bang your head against the wall until you think of something to do.” Might be a good response to “I’m bored.” It worked for my mother.

Representational Pic : From Kidsfreesouls Environment column


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