Home Gujarat News Open Hours – Social Media Meet at St. Laurns

Open Hours – Social Media Meet at St. Laurns



Open Hours to celebrate first ever Social Media Day in Ahmedabad on June 30, 2013 at St. Laurns, Ahmedabad. The event is a way to recognize the happenning digital revolution. The event is organized by Simulations & WebChanakya. http://openhours.co.in/

Open Hours, a social initiative, is an endeavour to capture, curate and share the most meaningful ideas, trends, happenings and best practices with regard to digital media impact on society, culture, youth, governance and business.Open Hours is getting launched on June 30, 2013 on the social media day, a Mashable.com initiative. Social Media Day has become a full-fledged global movement since its launch in 2010. The event began with a few hundred Meetups and is now celebrated by thousands worldwide. Open Hours is a part of the Social Media Day to get involved and make this make it Big. The goal of the event is to unite businesses, innovators, influencers, and the community to connect their online networks offline.

Study finds that while small business owners use social media personally and belive it affects their businesses, the majority don’t know how to start using the new networks to build their companies. What’s more, most don’t plan on investing online until they understand the practices, payoffs; and virtually none have hired an expert to show them how. The Twitter despite its 80% awareness is is only used by 16%…it still remains an enigma!

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At Open Hours, Ahmedabad, the three hour event will have interesting and insightful presentation & panel discussion. And also get a CHANCE to connect & collaborate with Open Hours Team & supporters. Open Hours Ahmedabad is an official acceptance for being a part of World Social Media Day in Ahmedabad with the mention at Mashable FB Page (https://www.facebook.com/mashable.smday) as Mashable.com, a news, technology and social media website celebrate it gloabally on Sunday, 30th June, 2013.

The Speakers at the event are:

Akshay Sethia ,Chief Executive Officer, Dezine Brainz

Manu Midha, Vice President, Planning and Strategy, Infibeam

Janki Vasant ,Founder, Samvedna(NGO) For Children

Prateek Shah , founder, GreelnSmyles.com

Rahul Roushan aka Pagal Patrakar , Founder of Fakingnews,

Anurag Batra, Chairman & Editor in chief of Exchange4media

The statistics reveal the use of Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, G+ and all the other social media platforms that have taken over mainstream consciousness and are now integral parts of people’s lives across the globe. Small Business owners need to adopt strategies to promote their business and juggle to cope up with things they need to do virtually to stay connected and mean Business. 

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New York Times mentions in one of its article on Social Networking in 1600s – “Now the spirit of the coffeehouse has been reborn in our social-media platforms. They, too, are open to all comers, and allow people from different walks of life to meet, debate, and share information with friends and strangers alike, forging new connections and sparking new ideas. Such conversations may be entirely virtual, but they have enormous potential to bring about change in the real world.”

No wonder, Open Hours aim to bring you live contacts with social media evanglists on 1st ever social media day in Ahmedabad to liven up the moments of Conversation which leaves impressions to reach milestones in reaching target goals – be it Business, Social, Youth interaction, Governance influence or the more.

Be a part of Open Hours, Ahmedabad. Email openhoursindia@gmail.com for further information and upcoming events too. You can stay connected with Open Hours at their Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/OpenHoursIndia and be a part of tweeting world with #smday #smdayAHM

– Kidsfreesouls News Desk

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