Home 2009 November


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November – a Geography Awareness Month and it can be quick to find Kidsfreesouls on the map here . Kids can sort to find different places on Google Maps or in an Atlas and all the geographical locations, etc. Make a Project on Asia, Europe etc. Make sheets on geographic locations, rivers, religions, costumes, languages, flags, etc.

November 13-19 –  Book Week : Book Reading & Writing Reviews –   Story telling   is a gateway into the heart of a child and I’m sure many of the tiny toddlers would like to listen to a story before they sleep. Stories like Hansel and Gretel, Red Riding Hood, etc.  influence  the child and they  Moral Values .  Read the stories  aloud to kids and also find the trouble shootingareas on their reading habits. Teachers/Parents may follow the  Guidelines and use these stories for ‘Project work’ – Make them read, write reviews, know the moral and find what part they like best and why. The kids can read the following stories in brief:

Cinderella Comprehension  |Frog Prince  |Snow White story |  Racing Car  
Also find more Grammar Fun.

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After reading loudly, help them to Narrate the story. Later, write a Book Review.

1. Name of the Book
2. Main Characters in the Book
3. Who they like best
4. Best Part of the story they like
5. Hard Words
6. Moral of the story
7. Teacher/Parent’s sign & give stars

Get to Swagat Children Library Page for further Book Reviews Hall of Fame List and members. Supportive to reading, conduct various activities mentioned therein. Send their Book reviews to Kidsfreesouls @ freesoul@kidsfreesouls.com . If supported bydrawing/painting, send to kidsfreesouls@yahoo.com



Story Writing Month

With Reading in progress for at least half an hour of various stories, follow How to Write a Story’ and let the kids get to imagine to write a paragraph. Gradually, help them to write a para and blog it here. By end of the month, you can find a story written with a child’s imagination in a simple way. If you want, you can write a para a week and you have four simple paragraphs. This can be a beginning to make them write simple short stories.


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