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My Parents are the Best-est…



Once I found some children casually talking to each other when they suddenly got into a debate and each said, “My Parents are the Best and best-est!”

Every child is proud of his parents and their whole world revolves round their family – the love and caring, nurturing relationship. We have many books on Parenting including mine, but alas, like most things in life, parenthood too comes with ‘How to do’ Instructions and statutory warming but an experience also – to balance and facing challenges to offer the role of parenting. Successful parenting comes from within, with an insight and inner values. There are no clear cut methods on good parenting but habits you can develop to ensure that you prioritize your method of upbringing the child with greater responsibility.


As parents, we fondly hope that our Children want to say these lovely words, “My Mom is the Best of My Daddy is the Best-est!” And here are steps to follow as Guardian of Angels to be the ‘BEST’ and feel on top of the world:


1. Be firm

Build a easy frame of life. Children don’t like chaos. Be firm in your decisions and reactions. Let there be consistency in your attitude for their behavioral development.


2. Teach, Do not Preach

Most often, Parents lead to Preach rather than teach. Even if you are not a great teacher, every parent feels a sense of gratitude while the kids learn and follow them. Learning builds in confidence and can be made fun. Sharing experiences, playing together and teaching in a normal way is a way to go than to preach and tell (or rather Nag!) the child to ‘Do This’ or ‘Do That.’


3. Get Involved

With the tech savvy kids growing up, help them grow gracefully. Involve yourself in their academic growth, Activities, social developments and more. Be together on their Life journey as a guiding light and provide your wisdom. Even you need to learn to help them learn newer things. Your Interest as Parents in every step helps the child get motivated and encouraged. They build their self confidence as you feel good factor of your involvement.


4. Rejuvenation

Rejuvenate yourself and make the child’s week ends fun. Recreation is must as ‘All work and No Play’ is no good idea. Children have their own friends and love to spend time with them – Watch a movie, listen to ipod, dance around or go for explorations. However, quality time with parents is must as they learn to value family life as much as they love to be with friends.


5. Clear Stress signals

Let not your stress fall on children. Parental issues are worst as children are anxious to what goes around them as they are fond of both the parent. Your relationship issues cause worry for them. Even, stress at your workplace, money crisis, family issues and so on have an impact on your stressful behavior. As a result, Parent stress is a Kid’s Stress. Children need to be free of mind of any kind of tension.


6. Be Religious

One need not force Religion to kids. However, rituals are good for faith. A child who lives with faith learns to love the world. Celebrating festivals like Christmas, Diwali is togetherness. Let there be cozy dinners together and saying ‘Grace’ at mealtimes. Or, Watch television show or a sports game – It’s a family time to bond and feel close.


7. Learn to say ‘No’
The biggest mistake a parent makes is saying ‘Yes’ to every demand of the child at a younger age. Pampering is no good for the child. A parent who has learnt not to say ‘No’, often find a rebelling child which cannot be handled with words nor actions. Be practical and help the child to be practical too. All demands are not to be fulfilled even when you can afford. Out of love, your own actions bounce back to you in time to come when the child has not learnt to listen to ‘No’.


Be the BEST – Be the successful Parent and it often comes with an Understanding and a lot deal of Sacrifice too!


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