Home Gujarat News CM Narendra Modi meets US Delegation

CM Narendra Modi meets US Delegation

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cm usdelegates

A high power delegation team of members of USA House of Representatives and Business Leaders visited CM Narendra Modi on 28th March 2013.The Members of the USA Congress who are a part of the delegation are Representative Aaron Schock (a Republican Congressmen from Illinois), Representative Cynthia Lummis (a Republican Congresswoman representing Wyoming), and Representative Cathy M. Rodgers (Republican Congresswoman from Washington state). Representative Rodgers also serves as the Chair of the House Republican Conference.

The delegation is visiting India to promote ‘People to People Contacts & Diplomacy’ along with the Overseas Friends of BJP’s (OFBJP) ‘Global Community Over Reach Programme.’ This is a joint initiative by USA based National Indian- American Public Policy Institute and India based Delhi Study Group.In addition to Gujarat, the visiting delegation will visit Bangalore, Tirupati, New Delhi Agra, Udaipur, Jaipur and Amritsar. The delegation will interact with Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Shri LK Advani and BJP President Shri Rajnath Singh. Shri Vijay Jolly and Mr. Shalabh Kumar will be a part of the delegation.

Welcoming the Delegates, CM gave a humble speech as below:

CM’s Speech for USA Delegation 28th March, 2013

Congresswoman Cathy Rodgers, Congressman Aaron Schock, Congresswoman Cynthia Loomis, other members of the Delegation from the USA, Ladies and Gentlemen !It gives me immense pleasure to welcome the delegation led by three leading members of the US Congress. I welcome you all to India and to Gujarat. It is a rare occasion to which I attach lot of value.I have been saying that the USA is the oldest democracy of the world. At the same time, India is the largest democracy on the earth. Moreover, both the countries remain committed to these principles. Our democratic ideals flow from the ideals of humanity. In today’s world, the challenges before us compel us to work together even more seriously to strengthen the Democratic principles.

There are various forces challenging the safety and security of mankind on a day to day basis. I believe that the time has come that all humanitarian forces should reiterate their faith in human values. They should also unite in the fight against the biggest threat to us which is Terrorism. The issue of poverty and unemployment is another major challenge before a large section of the global population. Moreover, there are environmental issues, which are important for well being of the present and future generations.We have to strengthen the processes of democracy with the aim of larger good of the larger number of people. Mahatma Gandhi has been and is the biggest light house in this journey.Gujarat, the land of Mahatma Gandhi, believes in these principles even more earnestly. It has been at the forefront of nurturing such ideals and leading its people to grow on this very path.Particularly, in recent years, Gujarat State has adopted faster and yet inclusive and environment friendly process of development. People’s participation is the key to our development model. With hard work, we have been able to create an impact in the country.However, there is a lot which has to be still done. Gujarat is ready to work with dedication and work with the rest of the world to make further impact in these fields.Gujarat has been a global community. Our people have learnt a lot and have received lot of love and affection across the globe. We are keen to return the same love and affection to the world. This creates a common platform for creative forces.We have organizations like the National Indian American Coalition (Neeyak) under the leadership of Mr. Shalabh Kumar. They can help us greatly in this process. Let us come together and work together to make the life of our people better.Once again, I welcome you to Gujarat and India. I hope your stay here will be comfortable and fruitful. I am sure, your visit here will help improve the understanding and relations between India and USA. Gujarat has substantial business linkage with the USA. Also, we have a sizeable population living there. Our coming together will have a positive impact in terms of confidence building among our people and businesses.I am grateful to the three parliamentarians for making a good beginning. We have to take this process forward. On my side, I am committed to work for the betterment of lives and relationships of the global community.

Thank You! – CM Narendra Modi

Secretary to CM, Shri AK Sharma gave a presentation on the investment opportunities in Gujarat, the DMIC, Dholera SIR. Chief Secretary Shri Varesh Sinha, Additional Chief Secretary to CM Shri K Kailashnathan, Additional Principal Secretary to CM Shri GC Murmu and Energy Secretary Shri DJ Pandian were present during the meeting.

The visiting American Congress Representatives were impressed by the development journey of Gujarat. Ms. Rodger applauded CM for the Economic Development, for curtailing corruption and bringing a change in the lives of people of Gujarat. Republican Congressmen Aaron Schock mentioned of the willingness of US people to work and build business ties with Gujarat as the State has felicitated investment opportunities. Leadership qualities of CM Narendra Modi got praise by Representative Lummis who stated that people would love to reside in Gujarat with the influence of a leader where the state’s work culture is nurtured.

As per the Reuters News, Schock, an Illinois congressman, told a news conference that American business leaders had encouraged him to visit Gujarat “because unlike other places in India our foreign investment is welcome”.

“My colleagues and I were thoroughly impressed with our meeting with Modi and I will tell you that he is a very dynamic person and he has a pretty impressive track-record here in the state of Gujarat.

“We extended an invitation to the chief minister to come to the United States and share with our colleagues some of what he’s done here in the state.”

Sources: Gujarat Information Bureau with inputs from CM site and Kidsfreesouls News Desk


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