Home Kids News Microsoft teaching tools to make studies fun for kids

Microsoft teaching tools to make studies fun for kids


Though teaching kids through multimedia teaching is the order of the day, schools are still not being able to implement it properly and capture the attention of the entire classall the children in the classroom. The age old ratio of 5% of the class being brilliant, the next 20% being above average, the next 40% being average and the remaining below average has not been bettered despite the fact that several human intelligence surveys proving have shown that only the bottom 5% of any given classroom is beyond help. The remaining can all be made to perform above par with the help of multimedia teaching.   

There are several schools in the city that have already started using multimedia tools for teaching. But little is done other than beyond making the class go through audio visual topics on smart boards, there is little else that is happening at the moment . Instead of reading out from the text book, the teacher just lets her students go through the topic on the screen. In most cases, the topics are designed by software professionals abroad and do not take the Indian context into consideration. Naturally, it catches the attention of the top students, while the remaining just get bored. most of what is discussed, does generate interest among the top students as is natural, but fails to catch the attention of the remaining students, who are just as bored.

In order to break away from this mould, Microsoft – the world’s leading software solutions provider – has come forward to help schools improve the quality of teaching-learning. As part of its corporate social responsibility,

It has designed several subject-wise teaching tools suited to the English medium syllabi taught in the national school boards – the CBSE and the ICSE or ISC. What is more

Also, this bouquet of software is completely free and can be downloaded from the web by schoolsfor use in the classrooms. On Saturday, Microsoft India has invited principals of the top ICSE and CBSE schools for a workshop at La Martiniere for Girls to generate awareness about these tools and how they can be used in the classrooms.

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