Home 2009 March



Newspaper in Education Week (NIE Week) is one week in March on Kidsfreesouls – You can also find on  NIE websites and NIE websites

Get to do a  Online NIE Project  for the class or your child. Use the  NIE Tips  on Kidsfreesouls and make use of the Content Ideas to teach a child to read and learn Online reading.

Dr. Seuss and Barbie Birthday  in March: Visit Dr. Seuss site from Kidsfreesouls Resources Page. Let the child engage in activities, collect Dr. Seuss Books and read them.

 Guide kids to explore Barbie website and get them engaged in various activities. Even get a children get-together at home and let them play with Barbie games, exchange views, chat and explore the site too. Also find Barbie   Birthday Party Ideas  Click for links in Resources Page.

Nutrition week was in Feb. However, for Children, Nutrition week can be round the year, any time, any day.

Work out a one week Nutritious Breakfast for kids. Make a Daily Recipe Chart by Adding Fruits, Juices, Green Vegetables, cereals and all the stuff healthy for children. Ask the child to make their own Recipe Chart. Make Child Nutrition a priority. Serve the best healthy Breakfast to the whole family for a week. Gift kids best Table wares like Mug, Glass, Mats, Bowls and also can follow up a Table Manners Session.


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