Home Kids News PM Narendra Modi’s Mann ki Baat with students

PM Narendra Modi’s Mann ki Baat with students

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nm manki baat

Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today urged students to shed their stress and worry, and develop a positive attitude.

He said, “one shouldn’t take needless tensions and should “beat nervousness with thorough preparation and faith in your hard work”.He was addressing students on the radio programme Mann Ki Baat ahead of board and competitive examinations.”

“Passing in exams are crucial but it shouldn’t burden you. Such forced burden on children turns out to be their peril,” Modi said, adding “Our relatives often force us to compare with other kids because we often measure our success with others.”

Citing the example of famous pole vaulter Sergey Bubka who broke his own records repeatedly, Modi asked the students to have confidence like Bubka in whatever they do in their life.

“Competitiveness is good but it shouldn’t burden you. We should aim for a better tomorrow. I want you to be successful but we often look at extraneous cause because we are often confused about our own attitude,” the prime minister said in his Mann Ki Baat.

“Compete with yourself, to do well, to do things faster. Let today be better than yesterday. People feel if an exam goes wrong everything will change. But it is not like that.

“Do not take so much tension. I have been an ordinary student. I have not scored exceptionally well in the exams I gave and have a poor handwriting also,” he added.

The prime minister tried to lift the spirit of the students by announcing his full support and expressing his best wishes for the upcoming exams. “I am here with you in this time, as you are preparing for your exams. Your attitude towards an exam will decide how well it goes,” Modi said.

Modi also asked them not to worry much about their future. Citing the example of a batsman on the field he said, “A good batsman is thinking about the ball he is facing not about the match, or series. He is thinking about the present.

“Sometimes we think too much about the future or are lost in the past. Can’t do that during exam time…we need to be in the present.”

Concluding his speech, Narendrabhai told all students attempting exams should enjoy this period, not stress about them too much and celebrate the occasion instead of getting afraid. You will be successful not just in exams but also in life.

Some points Highlighted from Mann ki Baat :

Parents shouldn’t compare their child with others in the society such as the neighbours, relatives, etc. as this puts added pressure on the child which can leave a negative impact.

A child’s biggest competition should be with oneself. He should aim to be better than before and reach new heights of success than competing with others in the class or his friends. This will also be more satisfying.

Have self-confidence in yourself which will take you places. Look back and reflect on how well you did the last time despite hurdles such as falling sick or some family event and believe in yourself that you can definitely do much better.

Don’t think exams are the be-all and end-all of your life. They are not the test of your life. You should definitely aim to score well and give your best but not be extremely stressed about exams. Here’s how to beat exam stress with yoga.

Live in the present, do not think too much of the future or the past during exam time. Focus on what is in front of you and you will win.

Exams are not meant to demonstrate your superiority over others but to test your own ability and capability. Remember this always and you will find your hidden strengths. Also read – what to eat before exams.

Many children take unnecessary stress or get extremely nervous before exams. Don’t let this happen. Revise your portion, study well to beat this and remember you know the answers and have confidence in your hard work. You will be successful and pass with flying colours.

Answer questions that are simple first and leave the hard ones for later.

Do not analyse your paper too much after the exams, focus on giving the best in the next one.PM urges parents also to stop asking kids ‘how did you exam go?’ instead tell them to forget about it and study for the next exam.

Always remember, life is full of ups and downs and sometimes, even undesirable results help you become stronger.

Parents must not compare their children with others. Do not waster energy in competiting withs others. Competition with oneself is more important. 

PM also urged boys to take inspiration from girls who not only help in domestic work and also study and perform well in exams. If they can do it, so can you so do not leave everything else and only study but have a good balance.

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