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Manage Time, Manage Health



Pic courtesy: Earth Talk pages, Kidsfreesouls.com 

I almost find myself lost finding precious time to blog on my favorite exploring zone here. Whatsoever excuses we find, it is a way where there is a will. Somehow, it so happens that we tend to ignore and procrastinate with hopes to jot our musings in a much better researched way especially when we get to write with a serious view as to the topic on health.


Leaving the Health & Fitness topic apart, here is a book review on Tim Handle’s Manage Your Time. A great fan of books – DK Essential Manager series, I guess we all harp on managing time but our priorities do call for attention in spite of “Too many” things we do. Playing with Gadgets and chatting on phones for longer hours. And it also includes social networking these days on the web which do take a lot of our breathing space. And when we come to a bit of saturating point, we revert to our own explorations and passing through the net lanes with un-ending destinations.

Your views are always welcome with your comments here.

Well, here’s a review :

Manage Your Time by Tim Handle (DK Essential Manager series)

Review by ilaxi patel

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Get Accomplished Managing Time: How often we hear guys shrugging off casually: ‘ugh, time is short, we’re busy’ I think, we all have 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week, yielding 168 hours per week. Take away the sleep hours and hours engaged in fetching results we desire! Hence, its wise to work `smarter’ than work `harder’ and this requires efficient `Time Management’ Walt Whitman, the poet, said it best, “The most powerful time is when we are alone, thinking about what we are to do.” Daily Planning helps us to focus on what is really crucial and important in our day to come and permits us to identify time to use wasted hours more productively. This has been my experience but when I read this book of Tim, it sure is more to Accomplish ‘Managing Time’ with his neat tips under various categories like :

1. Understanding Time – Changing Attitude

2. Analyzing use of time – Keeping Time logs,

3. Assessing ability – A quick Quiz

4. Planning for success – Analyzing goals, work, prioritizing

5. Using Time Planners

6. Getting Organized

7. Phone Calls – Managing calls

8. Reading & writing – Dos n Dont’s

9. Technology skills

10.Meetings & Travel tips

This and more, the Book is thorough self training and changing Attitude. I have all time in the world to read, write, web design, promote, market, handle admin work, attend meetings, run kids class, meet friends, go partying,listen n play music, cook and what not – all coz of Time planning and planning time with 7 days a week. This book has cool tips of dos n don’ts, analyzing quiz, charts and very good presentation and once you shrugg off the wry look to wring for an extra half hour, think of the wonders a human brain can do – a cool book for every student, business guy, tech buffs and especially those bubbly MBAs who seem to lack time! A great Pick – Get Self Trained, Get More Accomplished with your Time.

Sources to Surf:

Time Management:


(All Posts by ilaxi patel: This Health & Fitness Blog is based on personal thoughts and research work. Readers may please Consult your Doctor for your Health Problems)


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