Home Mom's Zone Literature Learning Project

Literature Learning Project


Summer time or any indoor activities at home – its all about Passion Projects and keeping kids busy. Apart from Story Project, Vocabulary Project and many more, here’s all about a Literature Project and you can use Kidsfreesouls Literature Profiles to get kids to action with Kidsfreesouls Tips here.

Literature gives order to human experience. It demands an emotional response from the reader. As you read through the pages of Literature, it takes you on a journey of exploring on the higher planes of information and language. Next comes, Technology learning Initiatives. Any Teacher or a Parent need to explore Literature zones on the web and we find immense knowledge to share with children.

Here are some Kidsfreesouls Tips to respond to Literature Learning:

1. Make a Literature File

2. Select five Literature Characters from Kidsfreesouls Literature Index

3. Copy+Paste the Profile and take the print. Add to the file.

4. Make a Poster with one of the Poems of the Literature character. Add to the file

5. Write Author quotes with colorful pens and add the sheet to the file.

6. Make the kids write an imaginary letter to the Profile character.

7. Encourage children to write a poetry on their own

8. Make the children stage act the literary characters of the Author’s book or recite the poetry of the Poet

9. Conduct group discussions about the Author’s story. Eg. Cinderella or Snow White. Verbal reviews of the book helps. Later, they can write down

10. Let children enjoy a class of Technology learning – finding Literature characters, classic Literature websites, Quotes, etc.

11. Give them a Bag and add story books, poetry books and scrap book. Let them write reviews and poetry in the scrap book with supportive drawing and coloring fun.

10. Organize Literary parties. Children are excited to do something new on their birthdays. Let the birthday girl make a Literature Project along with five friends prior to the birthday. On the great day, let there be Literature Theme Party. Hang posters of characters, poems, quotes. Arrange a Stage and let these prepared children show their Projects and talk about the characters to the invitee kids. A 20-30 minute presentation followed by poetry recitations and singing rhymes. Kids can later enjoy Literature theme food like cakes, burgers, sandwiches – maybe what the Literature story characters ate.

There are various Literature websites and Guides on the web. You may also find books on Literature in the Library or book stores. Classic Literature for kids and Children’s Literature need to be appropriately selected and should be made fun and learn. Often, an illustrated Literature is enjoyable and you can find Popular Contributions to Children’s Literature as per the Wiki. Find Dr. Seuss in Resources section and For Kids. Enjoy.

Find more such Profiles in Literature


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