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Leadership – Influence People


Leadership – Influence People

Lead from Within – Influence People

“Leadership demands fluidity, which requires the willingness to recognize the need for change, and finally, the ability to lead change.”

It’s always wise to learn from mistakes because than your mistakes are worthwhile which eventually rectify errors. This requires to identify blind spots in leadership. Sometimes, character and attitude plays a big role. The inflated ego comes in way and then, there is lack of confidence which need a trigger shoot up to boost capabilities. Such Leaders have the tendency to be less accountable and enthrust blind trust to others. The feeling of trust and loyalty goes wane with false belief that backfires in longer run.

Here’s when three main things need to be focused:

Identifying need for change
Leading the change
Managing the Change

Influencing isn’t a cup of tea to be gulped too quick but rathar raise the efficiency and attitude to be a leader to be admired. One need to be led by example. And, this may range from puntuality, regularity, trust, belief, optimistic spirit, no gossipy or negativity, respecting others, involving them for projects and listening. This also means, delegating with vision and model the initiative by demonstrating how you can churn out results with your own expertise, strenth and guidance.

Cultural and societal influence do play a pivotol role. However, Psychologists rank the basic human need for power and status right up there with the need for affiliation and achievement. Though power (having the ability to control resources) and status (being held in high regard by others) often go together, they are not perfectly correlated.

Fragale, who studies hierarchies in groups, observed that people who have power without status have a hard time in their organizations. If somebody else is taking decisions, the boss no longer means sitting on a high chair or managing things.

Power and status too, play a role with a societal influence.Power is something people can take; status is not. “You don’t get to decide how much status you get. Status is a phenomenon that exists solely in the heads of others.

The Role of Influence in Leadership occurs when a person’s emotions, opinions, or behaviors are affected by others. It is an important component of a leader’s ability to use power and maintain respect in an organization. To influence, from a management perspective, recognize who you’re giving power to and how they’re viewed by their coworkers and subordinates. This is the tricky part but most necessary for the organization.

The key to successful Leadership is Influence and not Authority, says Kenneth Blanchard.  It is always good to ponder and start the day by thinking, “I start each by telling myself how Positive Influence I am to this world. We often talk about a good leader who lifts up others. Though, it is most necessary to lift people who walk by and stand by with you. It is not needed to heed to disloyal – naysayers who backfire your dreams or let you down at every step because in this case, You are the Problem and you have to derive the solutions.

Leadership itself has the capacity to understand and influence people to act independently with responsibility. Call it, a subset of Power, Leadership might be coersive and related to direction. If these Directions misfire, the influenced Leadership shatters to doom and a positive action requires to recharge situations.

Finally, Influence do pay a big role. And, it is tact. A word, a smile, a glance, an admiration and strategic thinking makes a big difference.

Follow Humanity Leadership. Some Ilaxi Patel’s Universal Principles: (who are worthy of it)

Human Acceptance – Accept. People who deserve acceptance.
Human Recognition – Value People. They deserve it.
Human Openness – Truth. Each person deserve it.
Human Respect – Respect. Give and Take.
Human Focus – Pay Attention. Each person crave for it.

However, Be cautious. Leadership influence builds a roadmap for future vision and growth.

The most recommended Book by John Maxwell ‘Developing the Leader Within You’ – a Review by Ilaxi Patel

A leader is always Born and as far as the belief goes ‘Leos are Born Leaders’ – However, the concept of this Book by John Maxwell is Developing a Leader within. This requires a motivation, a vision and an influence as the writer shares the principles of management through real life anecdotes, charts and graphs.

A truly inspiring book that reveals wiz ways to excel and be a Leader. Interesting strips portray Leadership qualities with real life examples and sure, this becomes a quick ‘glance read’ chirping the zeal in to strife for successive climb. I’ve always recommended Management Quotes book of Pramod Batra and so is this Book on top of my Charts. Influence always make a big difference and this book implies the influential tricks to scale high to be a leader. Maxwell’s techniques prove to be genuine stuff and anyways, the picked topics speak wide :

1. Influence – Defining Leadership qualities

2. Attitude – It really makes a big difference

3. Positive Change – foster integrity and self-discipline

4. Priorities – Defining goals

5. Integrity & People – Developing ties

Becoming a person of Influence is another Book of Maxwell that is thought-provoking and a Leadership technique of ‘Influence’ pays big dividends in longer run. A worthwhile life lesson to boost up self confidence and keep on high spirits with ‘Developing the Leadership qualities’ by John Maxwell. A sure fire way to adopt the techniques and surface the best in you.

All contents on Kidsfreesouls and Management Mantra is written by Ilaxi Patel, Editor, Kidsfreesouls. She is the former Editor, Freesouls (supplement) and Management Mantra columnist in Sambhaav Newspapers (1997 to 2004)


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