Home Radhe Krishna KRISHNA STORY




As per the Gita, Karma “The action of a person is a good or a bad deed which is stored and determines the events in one’s future lives. One is born time and time again to face the consequences of one’s actions in previous lives.” The Krishna’s teachings reflect on how to stop this chain reaction and free oneself from the cycle of birth and death. The Karma of a person influences his lifestyle and all is required of a person is to keep a vigil check on the nine gate which means, nine sense organs so as to perform true ‘Karma’. For this, one has to remember that there is always a head over a heart and realize the realities in life to perform their responsibilities and know their limitations, after all.

Krishna “Literally means Black” is the eighth incarnation of Vishnu, born to Devaki and brought up by Yashoda. The purpose of his incarnation was to destroy his evil uncle Kansa who had usurped the throne of Mathura. Krishna played a crucial role in Mahabharata and fully revealed his divinity to Arjuna, the son of Indra. Krishna, born on eighth day in the month of Shravana (July-August) celebrated as Janmashtmi is also said to have mystic dance called Ras Lila in the night of Sharad Poornima, autumn moon, with Gopis, milkmaid women of his clan, is an inspiring subject in dance, painting and music even to date. Krishna is also said to be known by the name Bhagwan Jagannath . He was invited to take part in the battle of Kurukshetra and “Rathyatra” is celebrated as an important event for this moment. Krishna and his brother went from Gokul to Mathura and the Gopis and Gokul dwellers give them a hearty see off as they leave in a “Rath” with Akurji. The statues of Krishna, Balaram and Subhadra are found in Jagannathpuri in Orissa which is worshipped with great fervor during Rathyatra.

Click to read the Tale of Lord Sri Krishna



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