Home Miscellaneous Kite Bugging – A Sport

Kite Bugging – A Sport


I guess many of the Kids Freesouls are aware of Para Sailing & Para gliding – the most exciting, thrilling and adventurous sport at Goa-Manali and elsewhere but for those of you who haven’t heard Kite Bugging yet, it is a sport with expertise. Kite bugging involves sitting in a small (usually) three-wheeled buggy and being towed at speed by a two line or quad line power kite. It’s similar to land sailing; you sail across the wind, tack, and so forth. The real buzz comes when you’re doing 80kmh a few inches above the ground and you realize that there aren’t any brakes! Unlike Jeep gliding, Para gliding or Para sailing, here in Buggy rides, it’s the reverse. The kite flies over with the rider in the seat of the buggy controlling his kite and the ride! Flying like a bird or a kite from a great height in Para gliding is like cool gliding towards the surface with expertise movements and landing up easy to the ground but in a Buggy ride, the kite drifts away with the winds speed as the rider holds its strings on surface to have a thrill ride in open wide space 

Wanna be a Buggy?

The most common question asked by a buggy-wanna-be is “How big a kite do I need to go real fast?” The big kites go in light winds. The small kites are for strong winds and open spaces. To go fast one need two things – Lots of room to get up to speed and then to slow back down, and a kite big enough to propel and small enough to not drag you sideways. Sometimes Flyer skill dominates over the ability to be outside during raging wind.

Now this is an idea to the Off-road track thrill riders to find open space wide stretching miles to try the Buggy ride! Hey, if you succeed, do let us know and if you flop and learn the tricks of the trade. Remember, don’t forget to send us a word of your experience; – )


Completed in November 1999 this kite stands 3.3 metres tall in U.K. Construction materials are carbon and glass fibre tube and ripstop nylon. The surface design was developed on the theme of rhythm. A measured flow of notes conveyed visually, building to a crescendo. Inspired by listening to contemporary jazz while working the kite maker used the idea of two overlapping squares, and extended the points of two corners to create the unusual shape.The kite has a three line bridle, and is flown with a bowed centre spar and a long tube tail. This extends the visual theme and helps maintain stability in flight.
http://www.kites.org cool site – you can get the best information of kites on the net here…


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