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Kidsfreesouls-Google Personalized News: KIDS

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Kidsfreesouls Google News Section reflects Google news pieces for better parenting – to be an aware and informed parent, teacher, child or any random reader on site as it features choice news pieces in Category mentioned below.  Once a week, a day is selected for Classroom News.

The news are picked for News Read in the Classrooms by Teachers and Parents. Teachers / Parents may click to read the news, help children to make a ‘News Project Book’  and interact with children.

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Presidential parenting: Does parenting style tell us about a candidate?
By Kelly Wallace, CNN

Ted Cruz, standing beside his adorable Taylor Swift-loving daughters, tells a story about how his 5-year-old gives great hugs.

Donald Trump looks on as his eldest daughter, Ivanka, explains that her father always said there wasn’t anything she couldn’t do.

And, John Kasich becomes a target of teasing by his teenage daughters for his not-exactly strong dancing and joke-telling abilities.

Those were just a few moments from the recent town halls with the Republican presidential candidates and their families on CNN. Each candidate had an opportunity to show a more human and — in some cases — maybe a more likeable side than what they usually show on the debate stage.

After watching them, one of my colleagues wondered if these intimate snapshots of a candidate’s parenting style and relationship with family tell us anything about what kind of president they might be.

I reached out to a number of parenting experts, who were quick to note two things: First, you can’t really make a judgment about someone’s parenting based on carefully choreographed moments such as a televised family town hall. Second, licensed mental health professionals are very reluctant to make any judgments about anyone based strictly on observation.

Plus, being a good parent alone does not guarantee effective leadership skills. “There have been great leaders who were not great parents as well as great parents who were less-than-stellar leaders,” said Dr. Gail Saltz, associate professor of psychiatry at The New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell School of Medicine.

Read more from Google Personalized News : CNN

sheryl femaleforce

The COO of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg is going to be the star of a new “Female Force” comic book, “Female Force: Sheryl Sandberg.” 

The 22-page book will be a visual biography of her life, without any superhero powers, according to CNET. 

It was written by Michael Frizell for Bluewater Productions. 

“Bluewater’s formula is to attempt to tell the story of the subject from birth to the present — that’s a lot of ground to cover in 22 pages — so, I hit the highlights,” Frizell tells CNET. “Her family, her education, the formation of her belief system, and her personal and professional successes make up her story.” 

The Sandberg comic, which comes out in June, won’t include more from her book “Lean In,” Frizell says: I would love to have explored ‘Lean In’ a bit more than I could roughly 80-90 panels. ‘Lean In’ is compelling and full of interesting and potentially controversial ideas. Had I another eight pages, I would have explored the book more, specifically focusing on the formation of those ideas and how she practices them in her life. 

Previous books in the “Female Force” series include Martha Stewart, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and Ellen DeGeneres.

Doctors more concerned about kids’ repeat concussions

Experts say that coaches need to teach kids how to minimize head-injury risks whenever possible –such as tackling in football – and then enforce the safety rules that are already on the books, says Dennis Cardone, Lea’s doctor and a sports medicine …

Parenting Advice: How to Inspire Your Child to Love Writing

Writing is something that we all have to do. We start from a very young age in school and it grows with us all the way into our adult lives.

15 Notes That Prove Kids Write the Darndest Things

Children. Those precocious, adorable, sassy little humans. As any parent can tell you, kids are oh, so awesome and oh, so witty when you least expect it.

Brazilian news websites uses cartoons to makes the headlines kid friendly

It’s nothing new to see kids playing video games and online apps. While news organizations try to stem their losses in print media, the next generation of readers is learning how to get their news online.

Protect kids from Web content: HC

Concerned over the vulnerability of children being exploited through social networking sites, the Delhi high court on Wednesday sought suggestions from Facebook and Google on safety measures to be put in place for online usage of such sites by minors 

Field Trip! 10 Books That Will Send KidsExploring

When I recommend books to kids or grown-ups, I can almost always get them interested if I add “Oh, and after you read this book, you could go on a field trip to the museum/zoo/baseball stadium/library … or just take a little road trip!” Spring 2013 ..

Communication Breakdown: If You Think You’re Talking About Money

Some 73% of parents say they talk regularly with their kids about spending and saving. But just 61% of the kids agree. 

When Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor played football with kids

Children from the Magic Bus Charity Foundation in the city were in for a double delight on Thursday afternoon. They got to meet Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor.

Culver kids write their own novels

Ballin expects to self-publish the book by spring break at the end of the month, an ambitious goal for a teen made possible by a national young writers program. Culver students in Katie Ranalli’s enrichment class wrote stories as part of National Novel 

Children’s author teaches Meroby childrencreative writing skills

Plourde, the author of 27 children’s books, and a writing workshop leader in Maine and several other states, has her students practice how to plan, write and revise a story. On Thursday, she was helping third-graders. “The different grades do different 

Surf Excel digital campaign promotes parent-child bonding

As part of the campaign activity, mothers were asked to log on to http://bit.ly/Take_A_Pledge along with other social media websitessuch as Faceboook and pledge that they would take their outchildren for outings. Firuzan Mistry, VP – Business 

You can download 700 Marvel comic booksright now — for free

Marvel Comics announced that it was making 700 of its #1 comic books – including titles based on heroes like Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the Incredible Hulk – available for free until Tuesday at 11 p.m.

Homemade Paper Games For Kids

But the expenses for buying them these stuffs are considered to be mere waste. Using paper gives us a lot more comfort in ways of economy.

Can We Teach Kids To Step Up and Stop Bullies?

One of the most frustrating facts about bullying is this: In the vast majority of cases, it takes place in front of an audience of other kids—88 percent of the time, according to one study. And yet kids who are bystanders intervene only 20 percent of 

President Obama Thinks Kids Should Create Video Games, Not Just Play Them

Can’t get your kids off the computer? Maybe you can work with their enthusiasm. President Obama thinks kids ought to be able to make video games in addition to playing them.

Is ‘kids will be kids’ a defence for bad public behaviour?

People use the term ‘kids will be kids’ to defend a child’s public behavior and why not, you’re only a kid once in your life. If children got into trouble for every little thing they did none of us would have had a childhood and would be able to tell 

Kids These Days…Have Hypertension and High Cholesterol

Early in the fall of 2012 an alarming headline hit the top rung of the medical literature: “Hypertension Rockets in U.S. Kids.” Naturally I suspected this would be the most cutting edge news story to hit the U.S. airwaves in months. A serial killer was 

12-yr-old creates new social network for kids

Washington: Now teenage kids being blocked from using Facebook have another option to interact online- Grom Social. Grom Social is a social network just for kids, which has been created by 12-year-old Zach Marks. 12-yr-old creates new social network 

Tips on talking to kids about tough classroom issues

WASHINGTON – Toni Morrison’s “Beloved” may have won a Pulitzer prize, but a Fairfax County mother was trying to get the school system to take it out of the AP English curriculum over its depictions of murder, rape and other strong content.

Restaurant gives discount for ‘well-behaved’ kids

MSN Money: On her blog, King offered some advice to other parents: Get yourkids used to eating at restaurants by taking them out a couple times a month, and encourage your children to talk with you as adults.

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