Home Awards Kidsfreesouls Awards

Kidsfreesouls Awards


Kidsfreesouls – a solo website – written, designed, uploaded, managed, maintained and marketed by Ilaxi Patel – received many Website Awards and email appreciation from Readers. The site is now NIE (Newspaper in Education) and the contents used for Home Schooling Online. The new site is professionally designed by developers now to meet standards of Technology and perform additional human tasks as writing and managing contents occupies more time.

Ilaxi Patel is Tech savvy Journalist and understands Designing and SEO tools with wide experience and have managed sites for Newspapers, given guidelines for design to government portal and designed/managed  www.kidsfreesouls.com, www.mjakbar.org , www.sambhaav.com and www.swagatgroup.net earlier.

Ilaxi Patel has received more Awards for Outstanding Website for previous designed www.Kidsfreesouls.com for:

Golden Web Award for Best Design, Content, Originality – 2001


Golden Award presented through International Association of Webmaster & Designer’s. Golden Web Award ceremony held in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2001. This event included Special Awards, Features and other Member Presentations. A special Trophy/Plaque was given away to the winners.

Outstanding Website Award

Online Web Creations – Your website is great. Your graphics and backgrounds are wonderful and fit in well with the theme of your site. You have a huge amount of great information and resources which are easy to navigate.  -Elizabeth Sinclairs



“Critical Mass Award”.

Your site definitely qualifies for the “Critical Mass Award”. A very nice site, excellent  design, clever original graphics & artwork, and you have provided  your visitors with content that is informative, entertaining, presented  well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive  contribution to the Web.Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit. – Cheers…Bill Darling (Recieved on 31st August 2001)


“Writer’s Award”

Great informational site! We applaud your site’s ease of navigation, and entertaining content. It is with great pleasure that we give you the Writer’s Award. – Lynne Miller



“Writer’s Award”

It’s a great idea and you have put such a lot of work into it. The RSNL Editor, Judy, found the teacher’s comments especially interesting.

– Clare and Judy




Blue Ridge Thunder

Awarded by: Don Garlock, Jr.
Staff Support Specialist / Webmaster
Operation Blue Ridge Thunder
Bedford County Sheriff’s Office
Bedford, Virginia  USA (Recieved on 21st Dec.2001)



Best Parenting Web Log Awards

Nominated for Best Parenting 2008 Web Log Award

Protect Kids on the Net 




Click for Ilaxi Patel’s – ABOUT US E-PROFILE PAGE 

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