Home Hridaan Hridaan – 2 Months to 2 years Journey

Hridaan – 2 Months to 2 years Journey

hridaan 2nd

hridaan 2nd

10th July and it’s my Birthday. And, I am loving every moment I grow up. Especially now when I am 2 years, My most favorite love of life is ‘Wheels on the Bus’ and ‘Pa’ – my Grandpa !

Of coz I keep saying ‘Mumma, Mumma’ and ROFL frolicking with my Pa. Grannny Mom is my love of life who holds me to her heart, cuddles me and keeps me busy with my love for reading books and watching my Rhymes and Wheels on the Bus in our Library.

My 2 Months to 2 Years is a roller coaster ride. Right from my baby days, I learnt to cuddle in my cradle listening to ‘Do re me’ and the song ‘Once I caught a Fish, a little little Fish’ and see the beautiful world in the evening – the moon going down, the birdies in the sky as Granny mom sang along ‘Wings of the Birdies go flutter, flutter, flutter….And, the swing in the Porch and in the garden calling the butterflies ‘Come, Come as I sat on the lap of my grandmom and she sang, ‘Butterfly Butterfly where are you, come here, come here, Hridaan loves you’ 

I started walking too early at 8 months – first with a fear to fall down but gradually took my firm steps to walk on my own. I even learnt to hold my milk glass but loved my bottle which was so dear to me. My Mom was at office and I played with my grandmom and old grandparents in evening but when she came, I would rush to her and wonder where she was all the time. 

Well, my first Birthday was the best everybody said. I enjoyed the cake. The train rides and puppet show was a wonder for me. All children ran and played with balloons but the best part was, I got lovely gifts to unwrap the next day. A room full of gifts from all in my family and friends. Felt the showering of love and was happy with glee. Balloons are ever the favorite since then. 



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