Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers Green Mama – Go Green

Green Mama – Go Green


Green Mama is a short cut to ‘Go Green’ – the most valuable guidance for sustaining parenthood in today’s world. As Parents go on a quest for the greenest and healthy choice to nurture mind, body and souls positively, this book Greens  Life effectively.

Manda Aufochs Gillespie has been sharing tips and tricks on household and child rearing tips in her neighbourhood. With her Book, Green Mama, Gillespie guide can benefit the worldwide parenting with her research and experience.  What  sets Manda Gillespie’s book apart is that her wisdom is based not only on sound research, but on practical real-life experience – the kind where money, time and going green are of the essence! The language focus a  clarity, straightforward and a smooth flow with feel of interactive talk. I could easily imagine hearing many of these paragraphs as conversations in parenting meets at schools, parties and gatherings. The photos are beautiful with different poses creating the story of love and of being eco friendly.

The section titles with contents are eye catchers. Some are :

Worry Smart

Greening the Bum

Greening Play

Greening the Boobs

The ABCs of some common Toxins and Common chemicals found in children’s Personal Care Products (Chart)

The traditional Grandma’s wisdom and the science is taking a sharp turn to eco awareness with the climate change. The book has tactfully pinpointed advice and guidance to breastfeeding, detoxifying the nursery, diapering, caring for baby skin, feeding a healthy diet to family, healthy play and many more topics that matter to parenting today.

Manda Aufochs Gillespie shares tips to encourage free play and this is what is Greening  Play, the need of the decade. She says, “Today, problems arise from too much screen time, too little outdoor time and not enough free play, especially for children exposed in their early years.” Inspired with Chris Rowan, she jots down quotes and anecdotes which stand a class apart to be valuable food to thought process and to implement as a parent who is concerned with today’s generation lifestyle. Manda is well read in her research as she even quotes references and research revelations experts who address on issues like Toxic toys and inspires mamas to make children intelligent by reading them fairy tales. She narrates her say with facts on audio story effects on kids which soothe their brain and stimulates for peaceful play whereas watching television or video games, the kids are often agitated. She believes that toys and media is pretty depressing but the good news is that children do not need screens or toys to be successful, happy and smart. The key is just ‘play.’ And her in-depth research features in seven types of play.

Biologically, moms are wired to respond to immediate, visible dangers. And, current research supports many seemingly old fashioned parenting practices making parenting job easier. However, Manda has in-depth research to prove her point that doing something different than the norm, and doing with a smile works to go green mama – greener choice but greener options for almost everything, she quotes in the book. Her tips to ‘DIY” and experimenting with cleaning tips and skin care tips are worth implementing or call ‘Try it’ and it works. There is advice on childhood nutrition, improving air-quality, limiting toxic chemicals, and a whole host of other helpful tips. There are also lengthy discussions on nursing and while the book mentions “breast is best” the author doesn’t shame you into thinking you’ll fail your child if you are unable to breastfeed. This section is amazingly well written and for inexperienced moms, the most useful part of guidance to newbie moms. This book also recognizes that not everyone can afford to be green all the time. There are sidebars titled ’ When Money Matters More’ filled with ways to make more green choices without breaking the bank and many helpful tips to be green in smaller ways.

Green Tips, Inspiring Moms, Inspiring Initiatives and Money Matters are the most useful topics that are readable at a glance.

The Baby friendly Hospital initiative covers up requirements for women and babies it cares for. Though, this may vary as per the locations, these are useful points mentioned that hep mothering initiative flower to proper breastfeeding and raising children with concerns.  This encourage hospitals to become Baby Friendly.

Green Your Family’s Diet is another interesting chapter with action steps to healthy living. The highlighted  ‘The Dirty Dozen’ refer to the fruits and vegetables that have the highest levels of pesticide residue.  It says, “Don’t assume washing or peeling a fruit improves its ranking. Many pesticides are absorbed by the plants as is the water and nutrients from the soil. One got to read for the same and even for the less contaminated listed in the book. However, this is often a choice of habits which matter concerns for greening family diet and resources thereby.

In short,  Green Mama provides all shades of Green to a mother’s consciousness, highlighted with research studies and guidance for the future. The principles in the book apply to all aspectes of life as:

  1. Finding the answers. Manda says, “Ask questions, stand up to injustice and demand more from the Government.” Especially for Greening Life.
  2. Spending wisely. Spending on things that you want more of, things that give you hope.
  3. Be willing to go against the trends. We are designed to protect our children, and we need to expand that to include microscopic, and distant dangers as well as ones that are immediate and observable, she says.
  4. Do what you love. Start with Green things and those that interest you.
  5. Create community locally. Hosting a play date of a playgroup, sharing green tips, babysitting duties and meals. And these ideas do work.
  6. Be proactive. Opinions do matter when you raise your voice.
  7. Play is good for everyone. Playing with the child is enriching and lively.

Green Mama is a practical and a very handy guide with great manuscript, tips, visuals supported by anecdotes and case studies that will definitely help moms on living a green life and giving children a life to ‘go green’ – one of the best Fingerprint book that I’ve come across.

Book Reviews by Ilaxi Patel, Editor, Kidsfreesouls.com 


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