Home Google Personalized News Google Personalized News

Google Personalized News


GOOGLE NEWS – STARTED on September 22, 1982. Google news site aggregates headlines from more than 4,500 English-language news sources worldwide, groups similar stories together and displays them according to each reader’s personalised interests.

Initially, Kidsfreesouls registered to submit news to Google News. However, not meeting the standards, the submission was rejected but it became much more better to gather the Custom Personalized News. This helped Kidsfreesouls in reaching to Information Highway of News online and present the best picked sources and contents to Readers.

Eating the cake of News successive years online, Kidsfreesouls Google News Section reflects Google news pieces for better parenting – to be an aware and informed parent, teacher, child or any random reader on site as it features choice news pieces in Category as:

kids News
Games for Kids
schools, parents and teachers
kids Safe sites
Kids Writing
Parenting News 
world news
Video Games
Most Popular

The latest in the series added Parenting and Video Games News. 

Follow the pages in Google Personalized News and find the News scoops. If you are at Google and want to set up your own Customized News for Politics, current affairs or any category, you can follow the tips here at Google. 


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