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Go Nuts



A mend it all – Go Nuts! I don’t mean you go nuts but if you don’t, all chances are that you would. Got my point? Yep, Eat the Almonds and go nuts over this wonder nut. Eat less and you feel fuller is the simple way to adopt the unique Nuts in your appetite palate.  


Almonds has the benefits of Vitamin E, the more powerful and absorbable form of the antioxidant vitamin. An average woman need eight mg of alpha-tocopherol a day to meet their Vitamin E needs i.e. you need 30 g of almonds a day. Almonds has  a quality to crack obesity. As such, Almond low calorie diet not only makes one loose weight but keeps healthier while you diet. Protein in almonds is highly digestible. It is meant to be a high fibre content. Almonds lower the cholesterol level. This means drop in the risk of heart disease.  It also has shown effects on cancer colon patients who on chemotherapy are given almond milk. Almonds preserve vitality of brain. Also regular application of almond paste prevents early appearances of wrinkles, blackheads, dryness of skin, pimples, etc. and keeps the fresh fresh as ever bouncing back to revitalized energy.

The International Journal of Obesity conducted a case study in which two groups were on diets. They differed only in the relative amounts of carbohydrates, fats and fibre. One group was given a diet consisting of a formula supplemented by vitamins and mineral and 84 g of unblanched, unsalted almonds. The other was given self selected amount of complex carbohydrates equivalent in calories to 84 g almonds. The difference between the diets in reduction in weight, waist circumference and blood pressure were all significantly in favour of incorporating almonds.

American Heart Month (February) or National Nutrition Month (March), consider these almonds fit the bill as a perfect nutritional “boost” to meals and snacks. As a result, you sight nuts in many new snack and salads.

The Almond soup is the best for dinners with vegetable filled toasted bread. I guess, those who love pumpkin and almonds, will love to try my recipe – a quick serve, any time, any place and full of nutrients. Here’s how to prepare:

 50 g (1/4 cup) shelled almonds blanched

2 tbsp butter, 3/4 tbsp corn flour

1 cups water

4 cup (120 g ) milk

salt to taste

1/8 tsp powdered black pepper

100 g pumpkin boiled in water

Blend Pumpkin and chop half the almonds fine and blend rest in a blender. Heat Butter and sauté the chopped almonds till lightly fried. Add flour to water and add this gradually stirring so that no lumps remain and bring to boil. Add milk mixture alongwith salt and pepper and bring to boil, simmer for some time, stirring occasionally. Serve hot with vegetable filled toasted bread.  Enjoy!

(All Posts by ilaxi patel: This Health & Fitness Blog is based on personal thoughts and research work. Readers may please Consult your Doctor for your Health Problems)

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