Home Kids Technology Game Zone

Game Zone


Games are a sure fire way to have ‘Fun’

Be it a video game like ‘Pepsi Man’ on Playstation or a game of Doom, Quake, Omikron, Tomb Raider or Car games like Indy car racing, motocross madness or games like Carmaggedon with bad guys, violence & thrilling cars stomach churning – Games are just Fun packed with Entertainment and Concentration. 

  Many parents keep wondering “Do virtual games help children become good at playing real life sports?” You find the answer, quick and straight when the kid plays the simple games toying the keyboard. Virtual games are a simulation ground for real time learning for children. In most of the games, kids are constantly required to predict events, explore spatial relationships between objects, keep check on risks, distances, etc. They need to possess better levels of analytical and logical skills and they tend to exhibit faster their reflexes. Games like chess, golf, cricket, football, car racing and so on, are the favorites with kids. Hey, why forget the Harry Potter? This is a pick of many boys these days with the old and popular game ‘Prince’ & ‘Doom’ in the list.

Well, well, here is  List of Top 10 Games (Below) on PC Platform and Playstation 2. I am sure the kids will love to play and enjoy – of coz remember me for game suggestions:-) I love to play games on my PC, Playstation 2 and yeah, I got to play some games on my TV in-build games too. It’s fun, enjoy!

Parents do need to take out some time and follow  my article on what games to choose for kids. All games aren’t good. However, I believe virtual games, if used in the right way, can help players improve co-ordination and visual skills, improve their logical and analytical skills and make them lead to perfection.



– ilaxi, Editor, Kidsfreesouls.com  



  1.  Tomb Raider Legend (Action, Adventure)
  2.  Commandos Strike Force
  3.  Roller Coaster Tycoon Gold (simulation)
  4.  Matrix Path of Neo (Action, Adventure)
  5.  Fort Street Racing (Racing)
  6.  Driver 3 (Action, Racing)
  7.  Indigo Prophecy (strategy)
  8.  Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 (simulation)
  9.  Unreal Tournament 2004 (Action)
  10.  Jacked (Racing)


  1. Tomb Raider Legend
  2. Tekken 5 (Fighting)
  3. Commandos SF
  4. Gran Tourismo 4 (Racing, simulation)
  5. God of War (Action)
  6. WRC Rally Evolved (Racing)
  7. Genji (Action, Adventure)
  8. Hitman Contracts (Action)
  9. Getway Black Monday Platinum (Action)
  10. Sly 3: Honour Among Thieves (3D Platform)

Kidsfreesouls In Association to Amazon : Buy Here 

I have a pass time ‘Fun Game’ Online – Exclusively for You!


Computer Games like Prince of Persia and Doom are great memories when mostly every new compu game geek played during those sunny days. I really use to cheat the kids with the ‘cheat codes’ and reach the eleventh & twelfth zone in minutes;-)

What? You don’t know about Prince of Persia? Well, I have an online Prince of Persia game for you  to play – Enjoy!

Created by Jordan Mechner and presented by UBISOFT Entertainment, Prince of Persia 3 is about to release and step into the Gaming arena. Warrior Within & Sands of Time were great Prince of Persia Games but the Speed Kill System is a whole new gameplay system being introduced in POP3. It allows you to perform very dramatic moves that take your enemy down in a single shot. Speed Kills require excellent timing and reflexes but are hugely rewarding. They really make the most of the Prince and Dark Prince’s athletic abilities in fast-paced action-packed sequence.

The Prince of Persia revolves round the story that the Prince of Persia makes his way home to Babylon, bearing with him Kaileena, the enigmatic Empress of Time, and unspeakable scars from the Island of Time. But instead of the peace he longs for, he finds his kingdom ravaged by war and Kaileena the target of a brutal plot. When she is kidnapped, the Prince tracks her to the Palace – only to see her murdered by a powerful enemy. Her death unleashes the Sands of Time, which strike the Prince and threaten to destroy everything he holds dear. Cast to the streets, hunted as a fugitive, the Prince soon discovers that the Sands have tainted him, too. They have given rise to a deadly Dark Prince, whose spirit gradually possesses him…

Don’t miss out playing the game but if you do, there’s more for you from me to you!  Enjoy! – ilaxi



Play cool, Play safe. Know the Cheat Codes too!

THE GAMING ZONE : Racing on Compu Tracks

Car games are screaming speedy funs for those who love to race on compu tracks. The Need 4 Speed series, Carmageddon series, Motocross Madness, Indy car racing. SuperKarts, are the many games that zoom you off to different tracks all around the world. Need 4 Speed is the highest top ranking selection in the racing game arena. It has options of most stunning cars to drive on most exotic locations with a facility for downloading more cars and tracks! The latest version 4 is available yet Need 4 Speed III – Hot Pursuit is the best racing game with a 3 D plunge. One can satisfy speed thrills but unlike other games, this has Hot Pursuit – a cop trailing behind to catch hold of you in the last two laps of the track. There is a choice of cars like Chevrolet Corvette, Aston Martin DB7, Jaguar XK8, Mercedes XL 600, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes CLK-GTR and lots more! The 3D effects has great visuals and the game can be played without 3 D card with 32 MB Ram. To save trouble for resolution changing, 3D card is worth installing as many games are now of this kind. Graphics are superb with weather effects of snow & rain backed by terrific up-tempo beat music to keep the mood.

The Carmaggedon series if for the mature players with more cars, more bad guys, violent too. The Carmaggedon 2 – Carpocalypse is stomach churning with 40 cars to choose from and the very latest. There is a mission mode to complete rough tracks and forget about killing and crashing for some time. The Carma 2 sticks to its gory roots, killing, and breaking glass and wood splinters and freedom to move around, even fly a plane and slaughter mobile and hit and waste trains. It has 3D card effects with hard rock music at the backdrop requiring powerful system.


The Car of the future ‘Sky Car’ Moller M400 would make it ‘Breathe Easy’ and bring a relief from the Traffic congestion on the streets! Driving would ‘go easy’ as this 4 passenger car will zoom to take off to high skies with high altitude of 5000 feet for short trips and 25,000 feet for long journeys. The sky car requires neither airport nor heliport and can speed from 350mph as far as 900 mph before refueling. Sky car fulfills its potential as it lowers accident rates, less smog, increased job productivity and reduced production costs. Areas with mountains, jungles, deserts Passovers would be easier with this unique car. There would be with no traffic, red lights, no speed barriers, and animals on way or traffic security police to catch hold of you for no fault of yours! The sky car is intended to be completely computer controlled running on a custom operating system on a Motorola 16 bit microprocessor with dual redundancy and if one computer fails, the other can fly home. It is the dream child of Dr. Paul Moller and the efforts of his two companies, Moller International and Freedom Motors that gave shape to Skycar in 1962 with more than 200 tests already conducted successfully. It requires a fuel consumption of 5.31 kmph, 25 gallon fuel tanks keeping skycar moving for 5 hours. In case of emergency, two parachutes will carry the ballistically ejected driver and passenger gently to the ground. The commercial production of skycar would be by 2002 with 500 cars per year priced approximately $ One million to reduce somewhere up to $ 80,000 after mass production. The sky car is a possibility because in recent times, moderate cost engines are available that provides enough power which is developed by Moller and light, low cost composites and electronics are now easily available. Advance technology and software permit has made easy operations for sky car. The driver need not be a pilot as the computers handle the easy racing of the car on the sky tracks. The Moller M400 is ideal for a wide variety of commercial and military applications. These include private and charter air travel, express delivery, newsgathering, border patrol, police and fireworks, search and rescue, to name a few.

Skycar, sure is going to be another ‘James Bond’ thrill car or you can call it ‘Herbie’ obeying commands and as visualized in Science fiction, the new Transportation is just another couple of years away to launch you to sky tracks. ‘Total Recall’ of Schwarznegger movie and ‘Fifth Element’ will indeed let you jet across the skies in real and Free soul word, Sky car will become ‘On demand’ to race on Electronic highways in skies with ‘Total under Control’.



Cruise speed/ top speed:

350/390 mph

Maximum rate of climb:

7800 fpm

Maximum range:

900 miles

Payload with max fuel:

740 lbs

Fuel consumption:

15 mpg

Operational ceiling:

30,000 ft

Gross weight:

2400 lbs

Engine power (8×120 hp):

960 hp

Dimensions (LxWxH):

18′ x 9′ x 6′

Takeoff and landing area:

35 ft dia

Noise level at 500 ft:

65 dba

Vertical takeoff and landing:


Uses automotive gas:


Emergency parachutes:












The James Bond Movie ‘Car’

The suave James Bond is geared for perfection as per his image in the books of Ian Fleming with usually a plot revolving around a mission with characters like a special woman, a villain, an exotic location and a car!!! The cars in James Bond movies are ‘special featured’ and they can speak, listen and swing in action too! Hey! Car freaks, watch out these movies and hang on your room wall, a pic of Kids Free Soul Fav’ The James Bond, Tough and Rough!

Goldfinger : James Bond introduced Aston Martin DB5 with machine gun, bullet proof, oil dispenser, saw bladder from wheel hubs

On her Majesty’s Secret Service: New Aston Martin DB5 with machine gun and box containing radio active, computerized safe opener and copying machine.

Thunder ball: The savvy devised Bond Car.

The Man with the Golden Gun: The car which became Aero plane.

The Living Daylights : The Aston Martin Volante with wind screen head up visual display, special bullet proof and fire proof, digital radio, guided missiles, jet engine rocket. Convertible ice tyres, cutting device in wheel hubs, self-destruct mechanism.

Tomorrow Never Dies: BMW 20000 volt security system, defence weapons, remote control

The Spy who loved Me: Bond has Lotus car that turns to a submarine.

The World is not Enough: BMW Z8 Car with missiles in head lamps, titanium plating and Armour, infra red tracking system, remote controlled.


Speed thrills on bike, kinetics or car! Turns without signaling, hanging on the trucks, rough road test drives, squeaky turns and what more! Driving without licenses, bribing the inspector, vehicular pollution just because of endless moving around the town! Lots of concerns! Just frame in ‘Teen Rights’ and How to stop and control them or Debate your concern as to why a child needs a vehicle to go to school. Would you blame the Bus service or the trends or the so busy schedules of children?
Let Driving be Easy – Don’t just Blame the ‘Traffic’ Stop the Accidents.
Send your concerns to kidsfreesoul@kidsfreesouls.com 




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