Home Cartoon Fun Free Cartoons for Classroom Projects

Free Cartoons for Classroom Projects



KAT at ABC Cartoon Center


Get your Pencil, Paper and Erasers ready to draw with KAT at ABC Cartoon Center. At KAT’s Cartoon Corner, you can even find Magic Toon Machine, Make Birthday card and send to friends, explore Hoot and Kat Cartoon Family Album, check those Sunday Funnies, Theatre fun, Story corner and lots more!

Kat’s Cartoon Corner : http://www.abctooncenter.com/ccorner.htm 



Dan’s Cartoons
Kidsfreesouls.com has used Dan Rosandich’s Cartoons for Classroom Project. Dan Rosandich has over a quarter of a century’s worth of experience in cartooning and has created a large archive of humorous illustrations. Dan has created magazine covers, book covers, cartoons used on direct mail pieces, fax forms, article illustrations, spot and filler cartoons, artwork for textbooks including comic strips, panel cartoons and artwork of a humorous nature which has appeared on calendars, T-shirts, greeting cards and practically any other medium to which cartoons & humorous illustrations can be applied. If you have an idea or concept with which you’d like to confer with Dan about, don’t hesitate to make contact.

The Artist Bio data appears here.

Dan Rosandich Educational Cartoons




click for Dan’s Cartoon site For more Click : http://www.danscartoons.com/education_cartoons.htm

Cartoons by ANDERTOONS

Cartoonist Mark Anderson lives in the Chicago area with his wife, their children, two cats, a dog and several dust bunnies. He had always loved cartoons, and had contributed to his high school and college newspapers. The creative outlet was exactly what he was looking for, and he began submitting cartoons to magazines.Working early mornings, lunch hours, and late into the night, he continued drawing, submitting, and building his website, Andertoons.com. After their first child was born, Mark quit his day job to become a stay-at-home dad and draw cartoons full time.
Mark now runs Andertoons from his studio, where he sits at a drafting table.


Aaron Riddle’s Cartoons

Aaron Riddle is the Creator/Artist/Writer of AFORD who lives in Pasadena, MD. He is Educated at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) with a Bachelor’s in Visual and Performing Arts, Graphic Design major. His Hobbies are Cartooning, Weight Lifting, raising bunnies (http://www.riddlesbunnybarn.com) playing guitar, CD collecting, enjoying life with my beautiful wife Christie and daughter Corinne Alyssa Riddle, football (Go Philadelphia Eagles!) and nature.


Aford by Aaron Riddle.The Best Turtle Comic Strip.....Ever!


Think & write: What does the Cartoon Strip mean to say? Write your own thoughts and try make a strip like these!


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