Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers Essential Managers: Communicate Clearly

Essential Managers: Communicate Clearly



Essential Managers: Communicate Clearly by Robert Heller, Tim Hindle
Review by : ilaxi patel 

Communication is the key to success! Universal truth yet this book gives lessons to better communicating using methods for sure results. Various methods combined together works. The five groups mentioned in this book are:

1. written word

2. spoken word

3. Symbolic gestures

4. Visual Images

5. Multimedia

Interesting is a comment here that Americans like communicating via rallies and slogans with strong use of visuals. (Pg.8) Learning to listen techniques are vital and using Listening skills is well explained in the book with Empathizing, analyzing and synthesizing. Reading, Taking Notes,using phone, writing letters & proposals, using technology, chairing meetings, reaching audience, communicating to sell, etc. are the major parts covered up which makes the book, a thorough handy guide for Key to Success. Sometimes, it is getting ready to Negotiate to win, mastering the techniques and be prepared for ‘Talks’ – This is exactly we do ‘Talk’ but when it comes to negotiating and passing the word/message through, we fail most of the time due to lack of many supported things. This book ultimately helps to overcome our weaker traits while communication spells disaster if right techniques aren’t mastered properly. A good Pick.

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