Home epals E-PALS Exchange

E-PALS Exchange


Grange Town Library, Cleveland, United Kingdom
Your name
Books you read

Something you like to share eg. book review, festival, about pet, etc.
Your Email id/Your Mom’s Email id 

 Please DO NOT MENTION address to anyone, not even Swagat. We DO NOT require your any personal details. Your hobbies will be matched to the like child for epal exchange. Please note that all emails will be monitored and flagged, hence check your language – write good, be good. No abusive or bad language will be allowed. Your email id will be treated as cancelled in case you are found not genuine and rules of net abuse will be applicable. Please read the Net Etiquettes – How to email and follow the codes of moral conduct. 




Swagat Children Library (old building) 






Wanda Shannon – (Jefforson County Public Schools-Whitney Young Elementary

This section of epals is Exclusively Only For Kids below 15 years.E-mail 

Swagat Kids or get into E-mail Exchange with kids round the world. You also automatically become an Online Reading Member of Swagat Children Library. All you have to do is, send :

 If you are a child in the Age Group 6-15 Years, 

E-mail Swagat Children Library E-pals Exchange @freesoul@kidsfreesouls.com.

Also Be an Online Swagat Children Library Reading Member. Submit 25 Book Reviews & Get a Swagat Certificate – Wherever you are in the world:-)

Here’s an example on Epals Exchange – Be a part of Swagat and enter into Epals Exchange – Free online ! 


Swagat children (Kidsfreesouls:Swagat kids)often enter into E-pals Exchange with kids who either email them through the website or through Swagat Children Library E-pals Exchange with Schools round the world.

Swagat kids entered into an E-pals Exchange with Class of Cathy Fawcett, Grange Town Library, Cleveland, United Kingdom. Cathy works in a Public Library and run a junior/teen Reading Group. Cathy’s and myself (ilaxi) had teamed up the students in the Age group 10-12 years for friendship exchange on reading and cultural topics. The children talked about their hobbies, appearances, book they read and its review, festivals like holi, events like pan cake day, etc

Cathy’s students: Melissa, Holly, Jessica, Bethany, Declan Jameson, Darren, Ashley

Swagat students: Aayushi, Aashini, Gucci, Shaimi, Parav, Dev

The concept of epal exchange is adopted to make the children aware of the Internet Epals exchange and learn of not only technology but get aware of different countries, culture, traditions, etc. This interaction with the worldwide kids epals exchange is also focused on building communication skills and speak on various subjects that would, in longer run, enhance their speech and communication flare. The kids also learn to write an epal letter on their own with safe monitored logins. These mails are flagged to maintain moral codes of conduct in keeping email etiquettes.

SWAGAT :  Jefforson K12.ky.us EPALS EXCHANGE

What Wanda Shannon – Jefferson K12.ky.us (Jefforson County Public Schools-Whitney Young Elementary) say for ilaxi :

This teacher convince me that linking our classrooms together to “dive” into the ocean of knowledge was “cool”, but that education without experience and exposure is incomplete. This was powerful and her subject as “Cup of Life”. This stirred my soul to actually press toward “being this cup” that teaches knowledge through experiences. I realized that even as adults, we are always learning from other “cups” who spill over into our lives. I liked this lady so much that we started emailing as a class. Then, we assigned each child an ePal from India.

Again, we made our rough drafts. The children seemed interested and they had lots of questions for their new friends from India. Some of their questions were:

What is your favorite food?
Do you go to school on Sunday?
Are you a boy or a girl? (We could hardly pronounce some of the names so we did have trouble with gender!)
It was exciting to send our letters to India, but receiving responses from our ePals was even better!

From Wanda Shannon – Jefferson K12.ky.us (Jefforson County Public Schools-Whitney Young Elementary)

Students of Wanda Shannon: Dale,Glenn,Jessica,Jose,Megan andTonya

Students of ilaxi: Shreye, Kimaya, Aashna, Tarun, Aakash, Vineet, Disha



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