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Counselling: On Memory Power

memory counselling

memory counselling


I was wandering if you also have any information about the mental power and the most important question I do have is: “What MENTAL refers to when in connection with the word power”. Lets say mental you might refer to the MIND but how does it work? Please help me understand since it looks like you do have a lot of knowledge.

I am a person which lost her memory, long and short term and live the moment loosing my life this way into a hospital in which I was abused by medication and had several death experiences due to medical abuse. I had a head injury and memory (short) loss before the hospital incident from a car accident and I am CURIOUS to learn about these three terms:

memory power (what is it and how it works)

mental power (what is it and how it works)

mind which I will like to know the same thing…what is it and how it works…

Thank you…

Rita McNamara mcspirit@yahoo.com



Hi Rita McNamara,

Sorry for the delay in answering. Well, I will first recommend a Book on How Mind Works by Steven Pinker. The book is rathar on the Evolutionary Psychology. How the mind works or say better ‘Digging Minds’ – the author reveals the research on Minds and his survey is all ‘Ahs’ and ‘Oops’ coz as we read the book, Steven Pinker is cheering thru the chapters on Human brain. The author digs into psychology – neuroscience effects and how the senses perform. With indepth views, the book might seem misleading at places but to sum up, the authors leaves room for the’free’ flow of thoughts. Signs of anxiety, fear, insecurity is emotional outbursts seen in some people which is totally controlled by the thinking process of the brain. Hearing, speaking, thinking are all mind triggered emotions and even memories relate to Mindful thoughts.


And there is the exercise of Mind Gym. Read “Mind Gym” and go for the 90 minutes workouts.



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-Gain energy and have less negative stress
-Resolve difficult challenges
-Win people round to our point of view
-Enjoy life

Like I said in my Memory Power article, Psychologist Danial L. Schacter of Harvard University says that you needn’t worry about the lapses in memory unless you experience a noticeable and consistent decline in memory or you aren’t able to function at work. Most of the people start fading memory at the stage when they reach the mid years of their life. Lapses of memory are normal and even patients of Diabetes and thyroid are found to be at a loss of memory which fades and regained at times.

For the Memory Power, it’s first to know How they’re made. There are four types like:

– sensory memory
– working memory
– short-term memory
– long-term memory

Human memory is a complex phenomenon which involves various regions of the brain. Here’s on How Long and the Short term memory.

Mental Power is enhanced with rewiring the brain. With adults, they fail to remember sometimes on many things. Mature brain goes for a decline. So, I guess, this needs to be recharged and rewire the brain. Sharaon Begley has a fine book on this with a foreword from Dalai Lama – “Train Your Mind, Change your Brain” Neuroplasticity can allow for treatment of senility, post-traumatic stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression—and Buddhists have been capitalizing on it for long time. Steven Pinker studied verbs for 20 years! The brain at birth is simply not a blank state but shaped by culture and experience. Mental Power comes with mind meditation, the workouts and even proper brain diet.

You might not be able to read all the books but I am sure, reading the reviews at amazon, might help too. As head injury do effect the brain, along with the medication, the mind Gym exercise can soothe over the stressed pain.

You can even go for the five minute meditations every day:

Calm your mind
find a quiet place
Look for a comfortable zone where you won’t be distracted.
Sit with your back straight.
Place your hands in a comfortable position.
Allow your eyes to rest comfortably downward, gazing softly but not focused on anything.
Let your breathing become deep and rhythmic. It’s okay to let your attention drift a bit, but stay relaxed.
If your eyes become heavy, let them close.
Don’t worry about doing it right. You simply want to clear your head, and relax.

Here’s my Amazon Book Review on Harry Lorayne’s Book ‘Page a Minute Memory Book’  and it’s amazing to see the man memorizing the names of a 100 strangers and remembering them too. The review says all.

Also Recommended Book for memory: Total Memory Workout: 8 Easy Steps to Maximum Memory Fitness by Green, Cynthia R – She offers sensible advice for the seriously inclined. A resource that includes in 8 steps all that you need to know to improve your memory. 






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