Home Gujarat News Shri Narendra Modi to address Indian diaspora on 10th March 2013

Shri Narendra Modi to address Indian diaspora on 10th March 2013

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Shri Modi to address Community Outreach Programme organized by Overseas Friends of BJP in Chicago and New Jersey via video conferencing

Many NRIs across USA and Canada to join the interaction

Shri Narendra Modi is the most popular leader of India decisive, visionary and fearless. He has provided all-round development of Gujarat and received acclaims from national and international community: statement by Overseas Friends of BJP

On the morning of Sunday 10th March 2013 at 6:30 AM (IST) Shri Narendra Modi will address the Indian diaspora in a Community Outreach Programme organized by the Overseas Friends of BJP. Talking about the programme, Shri Jayesh Patel, President of the Overseas Friends of BJP pointed that the Community Outreach Programme will be held in Chicago and New Jersey.

Shri Narendra Modi will address the gatherings at 2 Venues simultaneously (Holiday Inn, Rolling Meadows, IL and TV Asia Auditorium, National Edison Road, NJ) via videoconference. A large number of NRIs are expected to attend the Community Outreach Programmes in both the places. In addition, the event will be watched live across USA and Canada on TV Asia.

Click to read more about the Event here. https://www.ofbjp.org/node/205

The organizers of the event include Shri Vijay Jolly (BJP Overseas Affairs In-Charge), President Elect of the Overseas Friends of BJP Shri Chandrakant Patel, the Immediate Past President Shri Adapa Prasad ji among many others

The event can be watched LIVE on www.narendramodi.in

Sources: Chief Minister’s Website


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