Home Gujarat News CM meets Forest Officers

CM meets Forest Officers

IFS Officers

IFS Officers

In a meet with the Forest department officials recently, Chief Minister Narendra Modi suggested creating awareness about tree-transplantation and symbolizing the tree as a form of a social asset. The officials made a presentation titled ‘Tree Transplantation in Green Gujarat’ before the Chief Minister.

It is noteworthy that the tree-transplantation project of the State’s forest department, the first in the country, has gained impressive success during past four years. Rather than cutting the trees for the developmental issues the State government has taken the route of tree-transplantation. In the transplantation process the trees are lifted from their roots with the use of machines and planted at other places. During past four years about 1799 trees of 47 species, having maximum circumference of 90 cm, have been transplanted using imported hydraulic machines. Out of this, over 85% of trees have been successfully transplanted and have remained alive.

State achieves 85% success in tree-transplantation project

1799 huge trees transplanted using imported hydraulic machines in past four years

CM stress on creating social awareness for tree-protection over tree-cutting





Stressing on the need to demonstrate the process of tree-transplantation in the society the Chief Minister said that protection of trees and environment should become nature of the society. At present the state has three hydraulic pressure machines for tree-transplantation. He insisted on creating awareness about this technique among the public and private sectors, schools, colleges, cities and to seek their participation in using of this method.Chief Secretary Varesh Sinha, Principal Secretary to Forest and Environment H.K.Das, Additional Chief Secretary to Chief Minister K.Kailasnathan and state’s Principal Chief Forest Conservators were present during the presentation.

Sources: Gujarat Information Bureau/CM’s site


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