Home Gujarat News CM inaugurated first Krishi Mall in Surat

CM inaugurated first Krishi Mall in Surat

CM agro

CM agro

Chief Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Gujarat’s first agro mall, Krishi Bazar in Surat on 12th June 2013. He profusely lauded this initiative describing it as a new start for the nation and said that with an agro mall like this, the farmer and the consumer stand to gain immensely. He also thanked the media for extensively covering this mall and giving an idea to the viewers as to what this initiative is about.

CM said that the mall would give the farmer a chance to directly interface with the consumer without any middleman. He also remarked that the farmer is as much a producer as he is a consumer and that in this agro mall, he can not only sell his produce but also buy essentials like oil, spices etc that the farmer requires for his own home. He pointed that this is a mall that can solve a lot of problems. He spoke about the large potential of a mall like this, vis-à-vis the rising demand for organic food etc. Shri Modi talked about the concept of a virtual mall where the consumer sees the virtual image of the products he or she wants to buy and can make the purchase on the click of a mouse. In a lighter vein, Shri Modi also said that he saw an entire department dedicated to ingredients of making the popular delicacy, Undhiya and added that he is sure this particular section will always remain full.

The Chief Minister launched a no holds barred attack on the Congress-led UPA for their failure to check rising prices. He said, “Price rise is a big problem but just like the Centre is not concerned about corruption, it is not concerned about rising prices.” He recalled that about two-two and a half years ago the Prime Minister had called for a meeting of Chief Ministers to discuss price rise where various committees were formed and Shri Modi himself was made the head of a committee. However, he shared that the committee gave 64 actionable points, no action has been taken. He remarked that there might be a need to make a new committee to even find out what happened to that report!

CM stated that one of the suggestions he gave was the trifurcation of the Food Corporation of India with each of the new entity looking at procurement, management and distribution. Shri Modi opined that till this is done under one head, nothing much can be expected. He recalled that the power sector of Gujarat faced similar problem when he took over but after dividing the work, the results were phenomenal. “We brought professionalism in the power sector, divided the work and the results are very good. I had said the same for FCI,” he affirmed.

CM further said that Supreme Court of India had asked the Government to give away the rotting grain to the power but till date the Centre did not do that. He declared, “Right now for votes they are talking of various laws but despite SC saying give rotten grains to the poor, they did not do that. And what did they do? Gave the rotting grain at a price of 65p to alcohol manufacturers. They are not bothered about the poor, they only talk and give new slogans.” He went on to say, “If they were so bothered about the poor then they should have followed what the Supreme Court said.”

CM remarked that the venue of the programme had to be changed due to the arrival of the rains. He said that this time the rains have come early, which seems like a good signal from the Gods to the farmers. He prayed for a good monsoon for the entire nation. He also spoke on the Shala Praveshotsav and Kanya Kelavani Abhiyan that commence tomorrow in Gujarat’s rural areas and urged people to contribute in making this a success. He opined, “I urge you all, let us become partners in this. Give it some time, if there is someone working at your house ask them if their children are going to school or not. By doing this, we are strengthening the fight against poverty and increasing the happiness among the people. And if we do all this, we are the eventful gainers.”

CM talked about the upcoming Statue of Unity to commemorate the Iron Man of India Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. He pointed that the statue must be built through Lok Bhagidari but not a Bhagidari of money but a Bhagidari of human bonding and emotions.

Forest and Environment Minister Shri Ganpatsinh Vasava, Education Minister Shri Bhupendrasinh Chudasama, Minister Shri Nanubhai Vanani, former Ministers Shri Narottam Patel and Shri Mangubhai Patel, MPs and MLAs were present on the occasion.

Sources: CM site / Gujarat Information Bureau

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