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Choose the Pill:Peals of Laughter or Exercise?



Many civic gardens are packed up in the morning with sessions of exercise, Yoga, walking pavements and Laughter groups. These Laughing groups I find are all those who are trying to find solace in bringing peace to mind.


Always we say, “Laughter is the Best Medicine”.  I am not an expert but if you brood over it, Laughter isn’t always the best medicine! We have people who laugh their way out to shed those extra pounds due to stress and troubled times. Some people believe that get together for laughter is fun and relieves stress and exhaustion. I also find these groups laughing their life to set up groups to build rapport and enjoy the group treats to eat those extra calorie dishes. Ultimately, there’s Laugh, stress gone but more to think of workouts.

What I feel is if we do not find way for workouts and keep laughing for fitness, it isn’t a good idea. But, let’s face it – entering into a tough exercise regimen requires effort and commitment. Laughter will not only work to tone your body and controlling your weight nor will it make you sleep better or fight illness. Confidence attains to an extent but the bulkiness will not go away and sooner or later, in time to come, if one wishes to prevent the surgeon’s knife, its time for an alarm call.

Laughter can be the best medicine to relieve stress. In fact, Exercise is a way to go to stay young and healthy, whatever be the age. Adopt a routine workout, at least four days a week and it proves better than sleeping pills, stress pills, anti-depressants, energy drinks, cold medicines, and so on.

People who walk briskly for 20 minutes once a week also find that they can sleep faster, sleep soundly and were less likely to wake up in the middle of the night. Scientist from the Sleep Disorders Centre at the University of Arizona has a detailed say on this. At the end of the day, we tend to be more mentally tired than physical. Hence, getting into physical exercise is being worn out to override any worries which may keep one awake.

To come over stress, exercise is a great pill. An American study of 33,000 workers found that people who exercised for 20 minutes every day were 50 per cent less stressed that their non exercising colleagues. Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormone, cortisol in the body and also there is reduced muscle tension as body relaxes with increase in body temperature. Yoga is best with deep breathing and meditation process.

It is also found by scientists at Canada University of Newfoundland, a once-a-week workout can stop winter sniffles and people who exercise are less prone to suffer from colds and flu.

Moreover, exercise improves the mood – blue moods can be set right as workouts make one feel happier and satisfied. As a result, more positive thinking and vision to live better, stay healthy.

I admit, fitness never been a part of my life due to busy schedules. Gym workouts and Jazzercise demanded time out to club. So, I seriously got into workouts within the four walls of my home with music that went with the workout, about which I will talk in my next note. No need for a gym gear now to carry along. A great workout keeps us physically, mentally and spiritually elevated. Fitness enhances all our capabilities from physical to emotional. No need for any short-cuts. Laughing follows naturally when you are healthy. Hence, choose right exercise, right diet and laughter follows, proving it as best medicine to enjoy life. That’s an art of living, I’d say.

Sleep Disorder Centre, University of Arizona: http://sleepcen.web.arizona.edu/ 

Is laughter best medicine? http://www.mdausa.org/publications/Quest/q34laughter.html

(All Posts by ilaxi patel: This Health & Fitness Blog is based on personal thoughts and research work. Readers may please Consult your Doctor for your Health Problems)


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