Home Kids News Children’s Literature Festival

Children’s Literature Festival

mansi tulsa

mansi tulsa

Exclusive Children’s Literature Festival is organized at Kala Ghoda in Mumbai from 2nd to 10th February, 2013.  Lubaina Bandukwala, children’s writer and editor has taken pains to curate this children’s literature festival. He says, “There is a larger variety of excellent books set in the Indian context available now, so our children can relate to and be a part of them. Yet not many children or parents are exposed to these books, these books are hardly found in mainstream stores and libraries. I thought an interactive literature fest will be the best way for children to experience the magic of books.” 

“Full of activity, each session not only allows children to sample the book and meet its author, but also has an interactive element that allows children to participate in the session rather than just being a passive audience,” reveals Lubaina.

There will be a line up of celebrated authors, story-tellers and illustrators participating at the festival. The festival opens with a play by Gillo, children’s theatre repertory based on the book, Mr Jejeebhoy and the Birds by Anitha Balachandran.

The festival also features sessions by authors like Anushka Ravishankar, Shabnam Minwala, Natasha Sharma and more. “It’s the opportunity to meet young readers, interact with them and hear their feedback on stories” says author Musharraf Ali Farooqi.

Sources: Google News 


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