Ilaxi Patel
Memories of reading George Bernard Shaw
Reading George Bernard Shaw’s Works is a genuine treat:-) His birthday reminds me of my love for George Bernard Shaw’s work since school days. Shaw...
Tips for Planning Your Trip This Summer
Summer vacations. They have No deadlines, no alarm clocks, and no pressures. To get the most out of your family’s precious vacation time, plan...
Pamper your child the right way
When it comes to pampering your kids, it can be tough to strike the right balance between treating them like little princesses and princes...
Story Telling Session at ANBF 2017
My Story Telling session has has been a jam pack session at Rang Rang Vadaliya Hall at Ahmedabad National Bookfair on 2nd May 2017. Rang Rang...
Story Telling at Ahmedabad National Book Fair 2017
Dive into the Imagination World of Fantasy and Creativity - Go down memory lane of childhood and Fairy Land. Mark the Date - 2nd May,...
My Expertise at
“I am grateful for the opportunity to Connect Today, Transform Tomorrow!" Said this, my Journey at has every been a Roller Coaster Ride -...
Learning to write a poetry
Parents want their kids to write Poetry and so do teachers give assignments. Imagine, can you write a poetry? How will the child be...
How to memorize and recite a poetry
Simple tips on how to memorize and recite a poetry Charge of the Light Brigade - Cannon to the Right of them, Cannon to the...
Cultural Differences in Teaching
The infographic - Cultural Differences in Teaching Around the World - shows the differences in education in 16 countries around the world. It shows the differences...
My Success Story and Fond Memories
We don't grow when things are easy, we grow when we face Challenges. And, these very Challenges makes one fearless in the pursuit of...