Ilaxi Patel
Endangered Kids – Is Computing safe for Kids?
Kids computing is like "electronically sugar-coated 'learning' that may spoil children's appetite for the main course." Encouraging children to "learn" by flitting about...
Ilaxi Patel’s Awards
I believe "Knowledge without Experience & exposure is Incomplete" - I am an explorer on web and my ultimate goal is spreading Love,...
Interact with Ilaxi Patel
COUNSELLING ZONE -By Ilaxi Patel, Author of Guardian of Angels: A Practical Guide to Joyful Parenting) - Click for Bio ...
Happy Valentine!!!
It's Only Words & Words are all I have To take your Heart Away! Out of the blue, someday, sometime, somewhere, we find ourselves...
India: Independence and Republic Day
Lead me from the Unreal to the Real, From Darkness to light, From Death to Immortality" Vedic verse chanted at Gandhiji's funeral pyre...
World Computer Literacy Day
COMPU SURF KIDS BEWARE ON INTERNET! There are a lot of fun and educational things for children to do on the Internet. There are...
Happy Halloween!
Mystyfying myths remain mysterious even though ultimate truths could be discovered using the human mind alone. Science has yet to reveal what caused them....
Navaratri : Festival of lights
Story of Nine Days & Three Obstacles It is a fact that man seeks pleasures in the pursuit of various desires and objects...
Gandhiji Jayanti
Lead me from Unreal to the Real, From Darkness to Light, From Death to Immortality - The vedic verse chanted at Gandhiji’s Funeral pyre In the midst...
About Us
Ilaxi Patel is the Founder & Editor of I am grateful for the opportunity to Connect Today, Transform Tomorrow! My Business Journey started in...