Ilaxi Patel
POEMS BY Rabindranath Tagore
FirefliesI touch God in my song as the hill touches the far-away sea with its waterfall. The butterfly counts not months but moments,and has...
Gitanjali Extracts
Gitanjali is a collection of short poems of Rabindranath Tagore for which he recieved Nobel Prize in 1913. Gitanjali was written in Bengali in...
Rabindranath Tagore’s Work
Poems & Books Famous Novels Famous Stories Manasi 1890Sonar Tari (Golden Boat) 1893 The Evening Songs The...
Rabindranath tagore
Kavindra Ravindra, fondly known as Rabindranath Tagore was born on 7th May 1861 to Sharda Devi and Devendra Nath Tagore at Calcutta, Bengal....
Environment : Earth Talk Q & A (Spanish)
Querido DiálogoEcológico: Mi familia tiene alergias severas y yo querría mejorar nuestra calidad de aire interior. ¿Cuáles son algunos de los pasos que debo...
Environment : Earth Talk Q & A
Dear EarthTalk: My family has bad allergies and I’d like to improve our indoor air quality. What are some steps I should take?...
Best poems by kidsfreesouls readers
What a Joy is Flight Chase Christmas (12) The birds, what a joy they have found To fly in the sky as we walk on the ground Oh...
Best poems by kidsfreesouls readers: Part 1
The Wooden Battlefield Hannah Morris,age 10 Just beneath the moon, Across the red sea shore, Sits the Wooden Battlefield, Upon the dusty Moor. Silent and still they sit, The dark and...
Best Poems By Kidsfreesouls Readers: Part 2
Freedom is Precious By Ayushi Vora, 5th std., Udgam School Under the rule of Britishers, we struggled for our freedom Stand fast and suffer long, Nation great...
Shankar Hemmady
2010 Shankar Hemmady(Join Facebook and Read his Poems here) Copyright Shankar Hemmady- a creative license to use it for any charitable, non-profit purpose...