Home Editor's Blog Audio Story – The Owl and the Pussy Cat

Audio Story – The Owl and the Pussy Cat


How do we make children engaged for listening practice? The answer is ‘Loud Reading ‘ without those dull as dish water dialogues. Audio stories spark interest – much needed exposure to 3 Cs – Conversation, Concentration, Confidence.

Comes with phonics, grammar, accent, moral values and a natural voice with natural intonation and expression.

Stimulate the Imagination, the creative use of language and appreciation and love for reading and listening stories.

Listening skills are important like reading skills. Isn’t it?

— Ilaxi Patel
Editor, Kidsfreesouls.com

Here’s an audio visual simple Story for kids – The Owl and the Pussy cat by Edward Lear on Swagat Children Library Page :


on Kidsfreesouls You Tube :

#stories #audiostories #kids #library #literature #edwardlear


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