Home Kids Blog Ansh Patel

Ansh Patel



ANSH PATEL – Age : 12 Years

I am Ansh Patel. I love to read books and watch cartoons on tv. I love to eat Pizzas esp. homemade Pizzas.


Check on my Blog on Great Personalities and watch for loads to come….Enjoy!


One thing is forever good; That one thing is Success. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Becoming number one is easier than remaining Number One.- Bil Bradley

Love can be had any day; Success is far harder – Enid Bangnold

To know how to wait is the great secret of success – De Maistre

Success, as I see it, is a result, not a goal – Gustave Flaubert

Success isn’t everything but it makes a man stand straight –  Lillian Hellman



Bins to Megs: Where were you born?
Megs: In a Hospital.

Bins:There are million of ways to make money, but only one honest way.
Megs: How is that?
Bins: I don’t know.


In this column, I shall be presenting kid’s interviews regarding their favs. and even ask them on whatever topic that is interesting.

Interviewed Jignesh Patel (Dad)

Q. What are the facilities used by children today?Are they important?
Ans: Most of the children use gadgets. Very minimal use is required in life for them. Children use computers and surf on Internet, use mobiles and play games also. Moderate use is fine but too much addiction is dangerous.

Q. How have things changed since your period?
Ans: We use to play outdoor games and get lots of physical exercise. We also read stories and had fun.

Q Do you think the younger generation respect their elders? And do they believe in God?
Ans: Yes, they do. It is must to protect the social system.

Q Do you think the younger generation is responsible generation?
Ans: Yes, very much. They are pillars of good human society.

Q How do you think Technology has effect on this generation?
Ans. It affects a lot as they have lot of information at their fingertips.



I am fond of reading. Here is my ‘Story Board’ – List of all the stories I have read. I will keep adding more stories to the list and also find reviews. So, stay tuned.

Figeater’s money bag
The Thirsty Crow
The Little Gold Fish
The Bee and the Dove
The Owl and the Lark
Chintu and the Vendor
The Hidden Treasure
The foolish fox
The two friends
Saved life of Ajay
The seven wives of Bluebeard
Little Tuk
The frog Prince
A woodman’s axe


Great Personality: Swami Vivekanand

Swami Vivekanand was born in Calcutta on January 12, 1863 on the holy day of Makar Sankranti (Kite flying day). He was named Narendra Nath Dutta.

The intellectual character in him, made him question the very existence of God. Thus, began his search for a man who had actually seen god. It ended in Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, by whom his spiritual quest was quenched.

After the death of Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Narendra took the vow of Sanyas and became Swami Vivekananda. He then traveled extensively across India.

Swami Vivekanand went to the United States to take part in the World Parliament of Religions. Back in India, after four years, Swami Vivekanand began the task of rejuvenating India. To him, Youth were the only hope. His clarion call to the youth is to work liberation of India.

Understanding Swami Vivekanand would be understanding India. In his own words, he has described himself as a condensed India. When some of the western disciples asked Swami Vivekanand as to what they can offer to him as Guru Dakshina, he replied, “Love India.”

His life spanned to 39 years, 5 months and 24 days. But the depth of his work is still entirely manifest. 

Great Personality : Subhash Chandra Bose 

Subhash Chandra Bose was born on January 23, 1897 in Cuttack. A brilliant student, he was strongly influenced by Swami Vivekanand’s Teaching. He was deeply disturbed by the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and returned to India.

He was elected President of the Indian National Congress twice in 1937 and in 1939.

During World War II, India was declared as a warring state. Bose started a mass movement against this and the British promply imprisoned him. It was in 1941, that Bose suddently disappeared. In November 1941, his broadcast from German Radio sent shock waves amonst the British and electrified the India masses.

He formed the Indian National Army (INA). INA freed the Andaman and Nicobar Islands from the British and were renamed as Swaraj and Shaheed Islands. ‘Dilli chalo’ was the war cry of INA. 

Unfortunately, Bose, while travelling from Singapore to Tokyo, reportedly died in a plane crash. He was 48 years old that time. 

Got a Certificate for Handwriting Competition in School – Yay! See in pics:-)

Thank you for reading my Blog. Check on my Blog on Great Personalities


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